[Alleluia] Exsultabunt sancti*


[Alleluia] Exsultabunt sancti*

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There is a reference in Roman numbers to fol. 86, where the full version of this chant can be read on the verso.

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CH-E 121 362 2 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI Al 0 ? Image CD
CH-SGs : Cod 0338 287 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0340 196 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur De pluribus Sanctis TP MASS Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 216 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Viti, Modesti Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 267 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur De Sanctis Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 128 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Viti, Modesti Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 187 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 233 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
D-HEu : Cod. Sal. X,007 112r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. Al Image MMMO
D-KNd : Ms 1001b 215r 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti * Gordiani, Epimachi Al Image MMMO
D-KNd : Ms 1001b 260v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum TP Al Image MMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale 246r 13 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti * Luciae, Germiniani Al Image MMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale 270v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum Al Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 173r 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Viti, Modesti Al Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 241r 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum Al Image MMMO
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147 123r 2 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147 152r 14 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 648 137r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Gordiani, Epimachi MASS Al 7? Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 648 160v 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt MASS Al 7? Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 648 162r 9 Alleluia Exultabunt Rustici et Eleutherii Martyrum MASS *7 Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) Ms. 1805 001v 10 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti Cornelii, Cypriani MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) Ms. 1805 012v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti Gordiani, Epimachi MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 51 186 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 51 201v 7 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Processi, Martiniani MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 145r 21 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Gordiani, Epimachi MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 146r 31 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Abdonis, Sennis MASS Al Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 164v 2 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS Al 7 Image SEMM
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 190r Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Caprasii MI Al 0 7 Image PEM
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 205r Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Abdonis et Sennis MI Al 0 * Image PEM
F-AS : Ms 0437 (cat. 1011) 068r 1 [Alleluia] Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. Al Image MMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0012 (11) 118v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Tiburtii, Valeriani MASS Al Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 035v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Alexandri et Soc. MASS Al Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 039v 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Marci, Marcellini MASS Al Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 044v 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Felicissimi, Agapiti MASS Al Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 046r 11 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Quat. Coronatorum MASS Al Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 057v 1 [Alle]luia Exsultabunt [sancti in glori] Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 025r 14 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Gordiani, Epimachi MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 028r 13 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Basilidis et Soc. MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 028v 11 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Gervasii, Protasii MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 031r 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Abdonis, Sennis MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 034r 11 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Cosmae, Damiani MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 048v 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur In Letaniis maj. MASS Al Image MMMO
F-G : Ms 0084 (Ms. 395 Rés.) 131r 13 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Nerei , Achillei et Pancratii Al Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239 065v 9 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Gervasii, Protasii Al Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239 085r 7 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 110v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Pancratii et Socii Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 113r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Gervasii, Protasii Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 118v 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Processi, Martiniani Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 122v 12 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Hippolyti Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 124v 14 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Felicis, Adaucti Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 125v 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt justi* Proti, Hiacinthi Al Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 127r 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Cosmae, Damiani Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 068r 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Gordiani, Epimachi Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 072v 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Marcellini, Petri Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 078v 13 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Abdonis, Sennis Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 083r 24 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Proti, Hiacinthi Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 179r 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Gordiani, Epimachi Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 183r 2 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Marcellini, Petri Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 189v 12 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Abdonis, Sennis Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 195v 21 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Proti, Hiacinthi Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 195v 7 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti * Primi, Feliciani Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 220r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti * Cosmae, Damiani Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 244v 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 253v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Comm. plurimorum Confessorum MASS Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 253v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 775 007v 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Marcellini, Petri Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 775 008r 10 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Basilidis et Soc. Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 073v 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 074v 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Gordiani, Epimachi Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 082r 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Nerei, Achillei Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235 083v 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Tiburtii, Valeriani Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235 086v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Alexandri et Soc. Al Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01414 093v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS Al 7 Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 182v 7 Alleluia Exultabunt Inventio Crucis Al Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 187r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Nazarii, Celsi Al Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 197r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt * Abdonis, Sennis Al Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 207v 7 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti * Cosmae, Damiani Al Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857 037v 4 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Philippi, Jacobi Al Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Harley 4951 230v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri, Eventii Al Image MMMO
I-BGc : MA 239 (Gamma III.18) 111r 8 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Al Image MMMO
I-Bc : Q 09 138v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Proti, Hiacinthi Al Image MMMO
P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 016 151r Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et sociorum MI Al 0 7 Image PEM
P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 024 (olim Caixa 246, nº 7) 176v Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur MI Al 0 ? Image PEM
P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 210 (olim Caixa 289, nº 6) Br Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur undetermined MI Al 0 ? Image PEM
P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034 340 Alleluia Exultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. duorum Apostolorum MI Al 0 7 Image PEM
P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011 023v [Alleluia] Exsultabunt sancti* Gordiani et Epimachi MI Al 0 * Image PEM
P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011 085v-086r Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI Al 0 7 Image PEM
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 243 073r-073v Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur undetermined MI Al 0 7 Image PEM
PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza 094r 2 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS All 7 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 411 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 086r 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS All 7 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 413 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 127v 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS All 7 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 414 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 091v 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS All * Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 416 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 138v 3 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS All 7 Image CPL
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense 061v 9 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Vincentii MASS All * Image CPL
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense 068v 13 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Alexandri et Soc. MASS All 7 Image CPL
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense 084v 9 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS All * Image CPL
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 105v (P 181v) 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti* Tiburtii, Valeriani Al Image MMMO
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 108v (P 184v) 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Gordiani, Epimachi Al Image MMMO
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 111v (T 071v) 12 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Basilidis et Soc. Al Image MMMO
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 123v (T 083v) 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Abdonis, Sennis Al Image MMMO
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 146v (P 205v) 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Vigilia Simonis, Judae Al Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Archivio di San Pietro F.22 077r 6 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Tiburtii, Valeriani Al Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Archivio di San Pietro F.22 090v 1 Alleluia Exsultabunt sancti in gloria laetabuntur Comm. plurimorum Martyrum Al Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Vat.lat.05319 104r 5 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Alexandri et Soc. MASS Al Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Vat.lat.05319 129r 22 Alleluia Exsultabunt* Omnium Sanctorum MASS Al Image MMMO