P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 279
P-Ln L.C. 279
21r In natale sancti Andreae; 22v De sancto Ioseph; 39r Conceptio Mariae; 43v In natale sancte Luciae; 68r In adventu domini; 80r In festo sanctae Agnetis; 102r In festo beatae Catherinae; 125r Purificatio Mariae; 125v De conversione sancti Pauli.
Square notation on five red lines. F and C clefs, custos.
Pen flourished initials in gold and blue with violet and blue filigree; vegetal decoration on the margins. Red rubrics.
820 x 570 mm. Long lines. Fol. 55r: 60 mm < 635 mm > 125 mm x 50 mm < 400 mm > 120 mm.
Modern foliation in Arabic number on the lower external margin of the recto.
19 gathering, generally quaternions, severely mutilated.
Leather binding on wooden boards; four bosses on the upper board and three on the lower board; traces of a metal star at the centre of each board. Traces of two clasps. Parchment pastedowns and flyleaves taken from an Antiphoner.
CEPEDA, Isabel, Livros de Coro Iluminados do século XVI. Catálogo da coleção da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2024), p. 296-297.