P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 009 (olim Caixa 238, nº 19)

Pastas de fragmentos, 009 (olim Caixa 238, nº 19)

P-BRad Pastas 009

Source type
Document type
13th century

Text and notation written in black ink. The rubric and plain initials are in red. Two decorated initials on fol. 35r. A green and red "D" is decorated with a zoomorphic design (a dog) on fol. 38r.

A modern hand wrote "9" in red ink on fol. 35r. At the top left corner of fol. 38r a modern hand wrote "Caixa 238 n. 19" in blue ink. On 35v we can read: "Sam Tiago de Morim", immediately followed by an inscription by a different hand "Thiago de Amorim". These inscriptions provide information on the provenance of the fragment (São Tiago de Amorim is located approximately 40 km south-west of Braga). A third unreadable inscription was written above these two by an ancient hand.
Condition of document

Bifolio slightly damaged.

Page layout

The bifolio is fully notated. Each text line is alternated with a red line for notation. There are 10 text line per page.


The original foliation was written in Roman numerals and it can be read on the fragment: 'xxxv' and 'xxxviii'.

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 24
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
035r 001 Oculi omnium in te sperant Domine Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 5 MI Gr g01127 7
035r 002 Aperis tu manum tuam et imples Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 5 MI GrV g01127a 7
035r 003 Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis vivificabis Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 5 MI Of g01235 8
035r 004 In quacumque die invocavero te exaudi Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 5 MI OfV g01235a 8
035r 005 Tu mandasti mandata tua custodire nimis Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 5 MI Cm g01236 ?
035v 001 Fac mecum Domine signum in bonum Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI In g00768 2
035v 002 Inclina Domine aurem tuam et exaudi Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI InV g00768a 2
035v 003 In Deo speravit cor meum et Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI Gr g01184 5
035v 004 Ad te Domine clamavi Deus meus Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI GrV g01184a 5
035v 005 Intende voci orationis meae rex meus Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI Of g00769 5?
035v 006 Verba mea auribus percipe domine intellige Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI OfV g00769a 5
035v 007 Qui biberit aquam quam ego dabo Quadrag., hebd. 3, fer. 6 MI Cm g00770 1?
038r 001 Deus auribus nostris audivimus patres nostri Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 3 MI GrV g00786a 3
038r 002 Exspectans exspectavi Dominum et respexit me Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 3 MI Of g01210 5
038r 003 Statuit supra petram pedes meos et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 3 MI OfV g01210a 5
038r 004 Multa fecisti tu domine deus meus Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 3 MI OfV g01210b 5
038r 005 Laetabimur in salutari tuo et in Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 3 MI Cm g00788 2
038r 006 Dum sanctificatus fuero in vobis congregabo Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI In g00789 3
038v 001 Benedicam Dominum* Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI InV 3
038v 002 Venite filii audite me timorem Domini Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI Gr g01162 5