P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1429

C 1429

P-G C 1429

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
15th cent.
The fragment contains some readings on the recto which continue on the verso. Here, at the bottom of the right column we can read the beginning and some excerpts from a responsory whose mutilated text has not been identified. Apparently, none of the responsories currently included in the Cantus Index catalogue contain the text we can read on P-G C 1429.
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Large size neumes. The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is always clearly defined. The axis of the notation is vertical. The lozenge is randomly used at different heights always as part of compound neumes in a descending melodic movement. The lozenge is not used in isolation.

This fragment belongs to a group of fragments currently held in P-BRs and P-G which share the same style of notation: P-BRs Fragments 1, 3, 10 (fragments 1 and 3 originally belonged to the same codex); P-G C 1372, C 1429, N 133 (fragments C 1372 and N 133 originally belonged to the same codex). From a notational standpoint, the main difference between these sources is the shape of the custos, however, P-G C 1429 and P 217 are too mutilated and today we don't know if custodes were originally written on these sources or not.

Condition of document

Single-leaf fragment folded horizontally in the middle and used as book cover. The recto is the external cover and it is in poorer condition. This folio has been trimmed along the right edge (recto) to fit the size of the book it covers. The trimming caused loss of contents.
On the verso there is a later-hand inscription written by ballpoint pen providing information on the current and former shelf-marks of the fragment. On the recto there is a library sticker ('N. 21 de 16-10-1595 ate' 18-10-1616') and a later-hand inscription which is earlier than the inscription we found on the verso. This inscription reads 'Livro de vedorias anno 1595 athe anno de 1616' and it points out the contents of the book.

Page layout

Two columns.

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

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