P-Cua (Coimbra) Arquivo Distrital e da Universidade IV-3ª Gav. 44 (15)

IV-3ª Gav. 44 (15)

P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (15)

Source type
Document type
13th cent.

Capitals in red and blue, with flourishes. The first responsory of Matins on f. Av has a taller and more richly decorated initial vertically running across three lines.

Condition of document

Bifolio fragment used as a book cover in poor conditions, especially the exposed side (ff. Bv-Ar). Mutilated at the bottom of the page (one line of text and its notation); part of the contents unreadable, with ink badly faded in many points and irregular borders.

Page layout

Fol. A: c. 310 x 285mm. Fol. B: c. 310 x 265 mm. Full page c. 280 x c. 180 mm.



Description author/s
Indexing notes
The responsory verse 'Ego autem' appears to be a unicum. See note at http://pemdatabase.eu/musical-item/97477
Project ID
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 23
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
Ar 000 [Qui verbum meum] audit et credit ( Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 V2 A M 004504 1 69b
Ar 001 Lazarus amicus noster dormit (...) a somno Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 M A 003603 1 52c
Ar 002 D(omine) si hic fuisses Lazarus Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 V2 A 002383 1 52c
Ar 003 Qui (sequitur me non am)bulat Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 E A B 004496 3 213b
Ar 004 Eripe me domine ab homo Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 V2 W 008054 r
Ar 005 [Nemo in eum misit] manum quia Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 V2 A 003871 1 66i
Ar 006 [Quadraginta annis offensus fui generationi illi] Dom. de passione M I 001121 *
Av 001 Isti sunt dies quos observare debetis Dom. de passione M R 1 007013 7
Av 002 Locutus est dominus ad Moysen dicens Dom. de passione M V 01 007013a 7
Av 003 Multiplicati sunt qui tribulant me et Dom. de passione M R 2 007187 8
Av 004 Qui tribulant me exsultabunt si motus Dom. de passione M V 01 007187b 8
Av 005 Usquequo exaltabitur [inimicus meus super me Dom. de passione M R 3 007811 4
Br 001 Nequando dicat inimicus meus praevalui (ad) Dom. de passione V2 V 01 007811b 4
Br 002 Deus meus es tu ne discedas Dom. de passione M R 4 006428 8
Br 003 Tu au(tem) domine ne elonge Dom. de passione M V 01 006428c 8
Br 004 Deus meus eripe me d[e] Dom. de passione M R 5 006427 8
Br 005 (Deus ne el)[ongeris a me Dom. de passione M V 01 006427b 8
Br 006 [In te jactatus sum ex utero Dom. de passione M R 6 006941 2
Bv 001 Erue a fra(mea) deus animam Dom. de passione M V 01 006941a 2
Bv 002 Ne perdas cum impiis deus animam Dom. de passione M R 7 007207 2