P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 1063 (27) + MM 1063 (11)

MM 1063 (27) + MM 1063 (11)

P-Cug MM 1063 (27) + MM 1063 (11)

Source type
Document type
13th cent.
The ordering of the images is based on the following reconstruction: 1063 (27) appears to have on the recto the responsory 'Sanctificamini' (007594) commonly sung on 'Vigilia Nat. Domini'. On the verso one can read the antiphon 'O rex gentium' (004078) sung after the same responsory in the source D-Sl : Cod.Bibl.fol.065 (see fol. 49r, https://dfg-viewer.de/show?tx_dlf%5Bdouble%5D=0&tx_dlf%5Bid%5D=http%3A%2F%2Fdigital.wlb-stuttgart.de%2Fmets%2Furn%3Anbn%3Ade%3Absz%3A24-digibib-bsz4110961847%2Furn%3Anbn%3Ade%3Absz%3A24-digibib-bsz4110961847.xml&tx_dlf%5Bpage%5D=101&cHash=3d1d849e93eb542735e88e28013c599e). To be fair, it must be said that the same antiphon is found in sources present in the Cantus Index in other liturgical occasions—in Advent and beyond. The identification of the 'recto' and 'verso' of this fragment may benefit from future research. 1063 (11): on the recto one can read the antiphon 'Vos ascendite' (005493) normally sung on the Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent (Fer. 3 de Passione). On the verso, the end of the responsory verse 'Erue a framea' (006395a) can be found, followed by the repetendum ('et a cornibus') and the rubric for a versicle. The fragment ends abruptly here, but the responsory verse 'Erue a framea' is commonly sung on the Sunday of the 5th week of Lent (dom. de Passione).
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Small square notation written in brown ink on a four-line red stave. Custos on MM 1063 (11).
Library stamp ('Biblioteca geral') on the recto of both fragments. Here, one can read two remarkably similar later additions probably penciled by the same hand, identifying the book binding from where these fragments were detached ('João Duns Sloto [sic; for Scoto], Librum tertium sententiarum, Valentiae').
Condition of document

Two small shreds of parchment originally from two separate pages. On MM 1063 (11) one can barely see one stave while on MM 1063 (27) there are two (incomplete) staves. Possibly, the two shreds represent approximately 10-15% of the original contents of the page.

Description author/s
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