P-VCDam (Vila do Conde) Arquivo Municipal P-B-3 + P-B-5

P-B-3 + P-B-5

P-VCDam P-B-3 + P-B-5

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
early 13th century
Type of script
Type of notation

Fragment P-B-3, Bv, bottom margin, upside down: "Real de Agoa / Anno de / - 1680 -".

Fragment P-B-5, Dr, centre: "Calçadas / 1656"; bottom margin: "Va do Conde / 1656 / L da reçeita das Calçadas".

Condition of document

Fragment P-B-5 has significant trimming along its top part and the outer margin of side C, while fragment P-B-3 shows similar trimming along its top part and the outer margin of side B. In fragment P-B-3, side A is reduced to a small portion of its central inner part. Both fragments also have multiple holes and tears, which, with the trimming, result in important loss of content. Even so, the remaining portions of the two fragments are in fair condition and still readable.


Two bifolios from the same breviary preserved under different shelfmarks. Both fragments were either the outer or an internal bifolio of different quires, as their contents are not sequential.

To present the contents in liturgical order, each original image was split into two separate images. Fragment P-B-3 corresponds to images Ar-Bv, while fragment P-B-5 corresponds to images Cr-Dv. The original images are labeled in the Image Gallery as "Z1" through "Z4".

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 57
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff db
Br 01 H[ym]num canamus gloriae hymni Ascensio Domini, vig. V H 008316 *
Br 02 Ascendens Christus in altum R. C[ Ascensio Domini, vig. V W 007951 r
Br 03 Pater manifestavi nomen tuum hominibus quos Ascensio Domini, vig. V A M 004237 1 60c?
Br 04 Alleluia Christum dominum ascendentem in caelum | Ascensio Domini M I 001029.2 5
Br 05 Jesu nostra redemptio amor et desiderium Ascensio Domini M H 008331 ?
Br 06 Elevata est magnificentia tua super caelos Ascensio Domini M A 1.1 002634 4 ?
Br 07 Dominus in templo sancto suo dominus Ascensio Domini M A 1.2 002410 8 ?
Br 08 A summo caelo egressio ejus [et Ascensio Domini M A 1.3 001195 4 28d
Br 09 Elevata est magnificentia tua R. Super Ascensio Domini M W 008049 r
Bv 01 Post passionem suam per dies quadraginta Ascensio Domini M R 1.1 007403 3
Bv 02 Et convescens praecepit eis ab Jerosolimis Ascensio Domini M V 01 007403a 3
Bv 03 [O]mnis pulchritudo domini exaltata est Ascensio Domini M R 1.2 007320 2
Bv 04 A summo caelo egressio ejus et Ascensio Domini M V 01 007320b 2
Bv 05 A summo caelo egressio ejus et Ascensio Domini M V 02 007320b ?
Cr 01 Erant omnes apostoli pariter in uno Pentecostes M R 3 600785 4
Cr 02 Dum ergo [essent] discipuli in unum Pentecostes M V 01 600785a 4
Cr 03 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Pentecostes M V 02 909000 4
Cr 04 Alle n(u)nc hodie summa Pentecostes M Psl 600785.Tp1 4
Cr 05 Dum complerentur dies pentecostes erant omnes Pentecostes L A 1 002442 3 *
Cr 06 Spiritus domini replevit orbem terrarum alleluia |~( Pentecostes L A 2 004998 8 ?