P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 492
P-G C 492
Small size neumes around a red line. Custodes. The axis of the notation is vertical. The lozenge is consistently used either in isolation or in compound neumes (ascending or descending patterns). The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is usually clearly defined.
Plain red and black initials, some with simple decorative designs.
Two stickers on fol Ar: 167 / A-1-3-63; Contas Geraes / Nº1; scribbled on Bv: Contas Geraes; 1581 / 1582 / 1583 (years contained within)
Slightly damaged; mutilated on top and bottom margins; holes; binding register book C 492.
Both folios measure c. 270 x c. 290, text is written in two columns of c. 85-90 x c. 280
Ar (Pulcra facie), Av (Ipsi sum), Br (Agnosce), Bv (inter tormento)
CORBIN, Solange, Essai sur la musique religieuse portugaise au Moyen Age (1100-1385), Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1952, p. 182 & Table "Classement des Manuscrits".
Musical index revised by Elsa De Luca.