P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 017 (guardas)

LC 017 (guardas)

P-Gmas LC 017 (guardas)

Source type
Document type
16th century
Troped Kyries
Type of script
Type of notation

Red and blue initials with black or red decoration.

Green stamp from the Museu on the bottom right of folio A (initial guard-leaf) with the number «1062» in pencil.
Condition of document

Damaged. The top right corners of folios Ar and Br are burnt while the bottom half of the same pages is severely trimmed (with loss of contents).

Page layout

Ar: 818 x 580 - 510mm; Br: 818 x 580 - 490 mm. Two columns with 9 staves each likely 10 (5 for each folio section) but the bottom has been trimmed.


Folios A and B are the guard leaves of codex LC 17. Folio A is the initial guard leaf, folio B is the final one (named in the image gallery under Z_A and Z_B). Each guard leaf is made up of two bifolia pasted together. The top bifolium of each guard leaf is pasted upside-down with respect to the bottom bifolium. Each side of the guard leaves can be virtually divided in four sections: top left and right and bottom left and right. The image gallery provides full-page images of each folio side (Ar to Bv) and detailed images of the four sections of each side(From 1 to 8). Both bifolia of folio A are non-central bifolia. The bottom bifolium of folio B is a central bifolium (4r-5v). The analysis of the musical contents of guard leaves allowed us to demonstrate that all the bifolia originally belonged to the same gathering indeed, Kyrie Cunctipotens starts on folio A (initial guard leaf) and continues on folio B (final guard leaf) and the Kyrie Fons Bonitatis starts on Br TR (Cv) and it continues on central bifolium (4rv).

Description author/s
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