P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 003

LC 003

P-Gmas LC 003

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type

001r- Tempore de Adventum, 014r- Tempore Nativitatis, 032v- Tempore Epiphaniae, 041r- Septuagesima, 049r- Feria iiii Cinerum, 056v- Dominica prima in Quadragesima, 070r- Dominica secunda in Quatuor Tempora, 078v- Dominica tertia in Quadragesima, 091r- Dominica quarta in Quadragesima, 102v- Dominica in Passione, 114v (add.)- In Vigilia Nativitatis Domini.

Type of script
Type of notation

Inicials in red, blue, black, green or blue and red with some flowered or filigree ornamentation in black, red or green. Black capital letters with 4 ruled lines with red, green and yellow decoration. Most rubrics in red, some in black.

Condition of document

Generally good; several mutilated folios and some margins cut but without interfering with the text/music.

Page layout

725 x 490 mm; one column 605 x 370 mm; 14 lines, of which 7 correspond to sung text.


113 folios with roman numering; folio 114 was added later with no number. Folio 60 is missing. Folios number 36, 47, 81 and 113 are mutilated and it is not possible to see the respective numbering.


Leather over boards


This manuscript has some corrections. Folios number 89v and 93v with an extra stave (8 staves instead of 7). A correction made on folio 59r led the scribe to add in the first stave. Same overall characteristics and date as MS. C 1508 at the Arq. Mun. Alfredo Pimenta, which continues its contents.


MAGALHÃES, Eduardo, "Os livros de Cantochão dos séculos XVI e XVII do Museu Alberto Sampaio" (dissertação de Mestrado, Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 2001), pp. 71-75.

Description author/s
Project ID
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 381 - 400 of 445
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
096v 001 Beata gens cujus est dominus deus Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI Gr g01217 1
096v 002 Verbo domini caeli firmati sunt et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI GrV g01217a 1
097r 001 Benedicite gentes dominum deum nostrum et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI Of g01070 2
097v 001 Lutum fecit ex sputo dominus et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 4 MI Cm g00790 1
098r 001 Laetetur cor quaerentium dominum quaerite dominum Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI In g00791 2
098r 002 Confitemini domino et invocate nomen ejus Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI InV g00791a 2
098r 003 Respice domine in testamentum tuum et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI Gr g01195 5
098v 001 Exsurge domine et judica causam tuam Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI GrV g01195a 5
098v 002 Domine ad adjuvandum me festina confundantur Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI Of g00792.3 6?
099r 001 Domine memorabor justitiae tuae solius deus Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 5 MI Cm g01215 8
099v 001 Meditatio cordis mei in conspectu tuo Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI In g00793 1
099v 002 Caeli enarrant gloriam dei et opera Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI InV g00793b 1
100r 001 Bonum est confidere in domino quam Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI Gr g01201 5
100r 002 Bonum est sperare in domino quam Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI GrV g01201a 5
100r 003 Populum humilem salvum facies domine et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI Of g01171 5
100v 001 Videns dominus flentes sorores Lazari ad Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 6 MI Cm g00794 1
101r 001 Sitientes venite ad aquas dicit dominus Quadrag., hebd. 4, sabbato MI In g00795 2
101r 002 Attendite popule meus legem meam inclinate Quadrag., hebd. 4, sabbato MI InV g00795b 2
101v 001 Tibi domine derelictus est pauper pupillo Quadrag., hebd. 4, sabbato MI Gr g00796 3
101v 002 Ut quid domine recessisti longe despicis Quadrag., hebd. 4, sabbato MI GrV g00796a 3