E-TUY (Tuy) Archivo Capitular de la Catedral de Tuy L I
E-TUY 001
Missa Aeterna Christ munera has elaborate boxed initials in black and white, with some red, matching those in Evora MS 2 (same scribe)
'MISAS', fol. 1r. 'Misa Brevis / 5º tono', fol. 22r. 'Misaquino...', fol. 44r (inscription pasted over). 'Sigue Missa / Emedemus / Segundo tono', fol. 65r. Back cover inscribed 'MISAS'
Good. Pages trimmed possibly for new choirbook bound together at later date from two different choirbooks
Choirbook format
89 fols. Original foliation sequence for Missa Brevis begins at fols. 22v (1-30). Another sequence begins at Missa Aeterna Christi munera from fols. 44v (54-97), comprising also Missa Emendemus
Brown leather over boards; metal bosses, corners and clasps
The book was bound together from three sections from two different original choirbooks. According to the original foliation staring on fol. 22, a Mass is missing between Missa Brevis and Missa Aeterna Christi munera. The first Mass, Missa Sexti Toni, was copied by hand on vellum at an earlier date from the rest of the MS. Masses 2-4 are copied using stamped noteheads by the same scribe as Évora MS 2. In Évora MS 2 he is identified as Cassianus Lopez Navarro ('in Catholici Regis Sacello Succentor'). This scribe was responsible for copying numerous choirbooks of Palestrina extant in Spain: see Rós Fabregas, 'Libros de polifonía en la Catedral de Pamplona', p. 368
KASTNER, Macario Santiago (1958), 'Notas sobre la música de la catedral de Tuy', Anuario Musical 13, pp. 195-200
TRILLO, Joám & VILLANUEVA, Carlos (1987), La música en la catedral de Tui (Diputación de La Coruña)
ROS-FÁBREGAS, Emilio (2006), 'Libros de polifonía en la Catedral de Pamplona', in Príncipe de Viana, 67/238, pp. 335-388 [Estudios sobre música y músicos de Navarra, ed. María Gembero Ustárroz]
ANGULO DÍAZ, Raúl, ed., José de Nebra (1702-1768), Cantadas, pp. 3-4
Grove Music Online: 'Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da' (article.20749)
COLLECTED EDITIONS: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Werke, ed. F.X. Haberl and others (Leipzig, 1862–1907/R) [H] Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Le opere complete, ed. R. Casimiri and others (Rome, 1939–87) [C]
External link: https://hispanicpolyphony.eu/institution/4264