P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1204
C 1204
P-G C 1204
Source type
Document type
12th century
Bifolium with Mass chants and readings. Three gregorian chants for the Dom. 9 p. Pent. and the Gospels for the Wednesday and Friday in the following liturgical week.
Type of script
Type of notation
Very simple decoration. Plain initials in red, blue, black. Display script in red. Text in black.
Condition of document
This bifolium is badly damaged. It was used as book cover and it is still stitched to the book it protected. The top of fol. A has been trimmed at the top and along the right vertical border while only a small shred of fol. B remains. The contents of fol. B are partially covered and unreadable.
Page layout
One full-page column. Fol. A (Domine): 1 col. 30 rl / 30 wl — 30<159-162>45-47[ x 0<]254-257>51-53 Fol. B: 1 col. 30 rl / 30 wl — ]20<50[>0 x 0<]254>49-53
From the same Missal as fragment C 1370 in the same archive.
Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: The music in the manuscripts of Guimarães (12th – 17th centuries), Guimarães, Museu de Alberto Sampaio, 2012. ISBN 978-989-97732-1-9
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