P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1369

C 1369

P-G C 1369

Source type
Document type
12th cent.
This fragment has secular cursus but with some monastic influences: on fol. A we can read the readings 7, 8, and 9 followed by their respective responsories. After the responsory n. 9 (Veniens a Libano, Cantus ID number 007829) there are three consecutive additional responsories with their relative verses and music. The contents of this fragment have been compared with the chants in E-Tc 44.2 (Antiphoner from Toledo Cathedral, probably c. 1095; cathedral cursus; Cantus Index available at http://cantus.uwaterloo.ca/chants?source=123639&feast=1609) and with the texts for the chants in the Breviary without music from Braga ('Breviarium Braccarense') printed by João Gherlinc for Pedro de Barzena in 1492. The description of the Braga Breviary can be read at http://catalogo.bnportugal.pt/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=bn&source=~!bnp&view=subscriptionsummary&uri=full=3100024~!321359~!2&ri=1&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ipp=20&spp=20&staffonly=&term=lus%C3%83%C2%ADadas&index=.TW&uindex=&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ri=1. The full color reproduction of the Braga Breviary can be downloaded at http://purl.pt/22000. Regarding the chants for the Dom. 2 p. Pascha, the comparison with the chants found in E-Tc 44.2 showed many similarities. The chants between the two sources correspond with the only exception being the the second verse for the responsory 'Hec est Iherusalem' (Cantus ID number 006803) which is respectively 'Porte eius non claudentur' (Cantus ID number 006803b) in the P-G C 1369 and 'Gloria patri et filio et' (Cantus ID number 909000) in E-Tc 44.2. The comparison with the texts for the chants for the Dom. 2 p. Pascha in the Breviarium Braccarense showed some differences. This liturgical feast starts in the Breviary on fol. 134v; the chants shared with fragment P-G C 1369 are found on fol. 135 (see IMAGE 243 in the PDF file). The differences between the two sources are the following: after the responsory verse 'Postquam audisset' (Cantus ID number 007344b) the Breviary does not have the responsory 'Veniens a Libano' (Cantus ID number 007829) and its verse but it jumps to the responsory 'Vidi Iherusalem descendentem' (Cantus ID number 007876). Moreover, while the fragment has two verses for this responsory, the Breviary has only one lacking 'Ab intus et' (Cantus ID number 007876a). Additionally, after the responsory 'Hec est Iherusalem' (Cantus ID number 006803) the Breviary from Braga lacks the second responsory verse 'Porte eius' (Cantus ID number 006803b). Finally, the Breviary lacks all the three antiphons 'in evangelio' (Cantus ID numbers 002598, 004943, and 001320) which can be instead found in the fragment. To sum up, we recognize a general similarity between the office in the fragment and in the Breviary from Braga; however, the Breviary seems to represent a shortened version of the office that we can read in the earlier fragment. Regarding the chants for the Dom. 4 p. Pascha, the comparison with the chants found in E-Tc 44.2 showed many differences between the two sources. Despite the two sources share some chants, they are often placed at different positions within the office. For example, the responsory 'In toto corde' (Cantus ID number 006943) is n. 3 in the fragment and n. 6 in E-Tc 44.2; the responsory 'Deus canticum' (Cantus ID number 006419) and its verse are is n. 6 in the fragment and n. 7 in E-Tc 44.2; the responsory 'Hymnum cantate' (Cantus ID number 006872) and its verse are n. 7 in the fragment and n. 2 in E-Tc 44.2; the responsory 'Alleluia audivimus' (Cantus ID number 006069) is n. 9 in the fragment and n. 10 in E-Tc 44.2. However, responsories n. 5 and 8 (respectively Cantus ID numbers 006901 and 006403) and their verses are placed in the same position in the offices in the two sources. The texts of the chants for the Dom. 4 p. Pascha in the Breviary from Braga can be read on fol. 137r (see IMAGE 247 in the PDF file). The comparison with fragment P-G C 1369 showed that the chantscorrespond notwithstanding some textual variants. Among them, the most important is probably the one found in the responsory 'Narrabo nomen' (Cantus ID number 007194) which has 'glorificate' in the fragment and 'magnificate' in the Breviary. Apparently the Portuguese fragment is the only source indexed in the Cantus Index databases with this textual variant (up to this date). Finally, the two sources show an important difference for responsory n. 9. In P-G C 1369 we can read 'Alleuia audivimus' (Cantus ID number 006069) while in the Breviary from Braga there is 'Cantate deo' (Cantus ID number 006268).
Type of notation
Condition of document

The fragment is a non-central bifolium which has been folded and used for long time as book cover. The two external sides (fols. Ar and Bv) are in poorer condition and the ink is vanished in many points. There are creases all over the fragment and some holes, mainly on fol. A. Library sticker on fol. Ar ('1724 H-6-1-28'). A modern hand wrote at the top of fol. Ar 'C-1369 A 5-4-115' but it is reversed with respect to the contents of the page. There is a big stain (humidity?) on the bottom internal side of fol. A.

Page layout

Two columns. Notation is placed around the dry-point lines prepared for the text.



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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 33
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
Ar 001 [Vidi por]tam civitatis ad o( Dom. 2 p. Pascha M R 7 007877 ?
Ar 002 Vidi [sanctam] (...) iherusalem descendentem de ce( Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 01 007877a ?
Ar 003 Hostendit michi (de angelus fontem aquae) Dom. 2 p. Pascha M R 8 007344 ?
Ar 004 Postqu(am) audissem (et vidissem) cecidi Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 01 007344b ?
Av 001 Veniens a Libano quam pulchra facta Dom. 2 p. Pascha M R 9 007829 ?
Av 002 Favus distillans labia tua mel et Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 01 007829b ?
Av 003 Vidi Iherusalem descendentem de celo hornatam Dom. 2 p. Pent. M R 10 007876 ?
Av 004 Et erat structura muri eius e( Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 01 007876b ?
Av 005 Ab intus et im fimbriis aureis Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 02 007876a ?
Av 006 P(lateae) tue Iherusalem sternentur auro Dom. 2 p. Pascha M R 11 007390 ?
Av 007 Luce splendida fulgebis et omnes fines Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 01 007390b ?
Av 008 Hec est Iherusalem civitas magna celestis Dom. 2 p. Pascha M R 12 006803 ?
Av 009 [Quoniam] confortavit seras portarum tuarum [benedixit] Dom. 2 p. Pent. M V 01 006803zb
Av 010 Porte eius [non claudentur] per diem Dom. 2 p. Pascha M V 02 006803b ?
Av 011 Ego sum pastor bonus qui pasco Dom. 2 p. Pascha L A B 002597 ?
Av 012 Mercennarius est cuius non sunt oves Dom. 2 p. Pascha V2 A M 003747 ?
Av 013 Pastor bonus animam suam ponit pro Dom. 2 p. Pascha E A 1 004223 ?
Av 014 Ego sum pastor ovium ego sum Dom. 2 p. Pascha E A 2 002598 ?
Av 015 Sicut novit me pater et e( Dom. 2 p. Pascha E A 3 004943 ?
Av 016 Alias oves habeo que (non) sunt Dom. 2 p. Pascha E A 4 001320 ?