P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1423

C 1423

P-G C 1423

Source type
Document type
12th cent.
The cursus is secular but with some monastic influences. Indeed, after the 9th responsory for Matins on the 'Dom. 4 Adventus' it is possible to read (at least) two additional responsories and their verses (see fol. Av). The contents of this fragment have been compared with the texts for the chants in the Breviary without music from Braga ('Breviarium Braccarense') printed by João Gherlinc for Pedro de Barzena, in 1492. The description of the Braga Breviary can be read at http://catalogo.bnportugal.pt/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=bn&source=~!bnp&view=subscriptionsummary&uri=full=3100024~!321359~!2&ri=1&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ipp=20&spp=20&staffonly=&term=lus%C3%83%C2%ADadas&index=.TW&uindex=&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ri=1. The full color reproduction of the Braga Breviary can be downloaded at http://purl.pt/22000. 'Dom. 4 Adventus' starts on fol. 75v in the Braga Breviary (see IMAGE 124 in the PDF file) while the texts for the third nocturn are written on fol. 76r. The texts for the chants in the Braga Breviary correspond to the same texts we can read in the fragment, however, the book lacks the extra responsories found after the third responsory of the third nocturn ('Nascetur nobis', Cantus ID 007195) in the fragment. Regarding the chants for 'Nativitas Domini' in the fragment and in the Braga Breviary (see fol. 79r) they do correspond. It is important to highlight that despite the similarity found between the two sources, the comparison has showed that 1) the chants they share have occasionally small textual variants and 2) the two offices compared here have a different selection of readings.
Type of notation
Condition of document

This bifolium is in very poor condition. It was used as book cover for long time. Some chants on the right column of fol. Av could not be recognized and indexed because there is some paper pasted over the parchment. The fragment has irregular borders, holes, and creases all over the surface. The ink is vanished in many points, especially on fols. Arv and Bv (right column). On fol. Ar there are two library stickers which say, respectively, '382' and 'N. 15 de 11-11-1571 ate 3-12-1576?'; on the same page there are also one library stamp, and three later-hand inscriptions, two at the top of the page one at the bottom. The longest inscription at the top of the page is partially unreadable because it is covered by a library sticker, the other inscription is '5'; the inscription at the bottom of the page is 'Salvab....?'..

Page layout

Two columns.

Completed on

Musical Items