P-BRam (Braga) Arquivo Municipal Nº 005 Códices

Nº 005 Códices

P-BRam Nº 005 Códices

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th cent.
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Medium size neumes placed around a red line. There are several instances in which the difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is not clearly defined. The lozenge seems to have been used twice (on Br and Bv) as part of an ascending pattern of two notes on one syllable. The axis of the notation is slightly slanted.

Later-hand inscriptions at the bottom of fol. Bv (written reversed). A, B, C and D written respectively at the top left corner of each page. Later-hand inscription at the top left corner of fol. Ar. The upper and lower borders remained folded for long time, as it can be deduced from their horizontal folds.
Condition of document

This bifolium is in very poor condition. It was used as book cover and the ink is now almost completely vanished, especially on fols. Ar-Bv (external cover). It is extremely difficult to identify the original contents of the fragment. Indeed, the liturgical feast(s) remain indeterminate and the last chant on fol. Bv is uncertain.

Page layout

One full-page column.



Description author/s
Completed on