P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta N 133
P-G N 133
Fols. A - B: Big size neumes. The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is always clearly defined. The axis of the notation is vertical. The lozenge is randomly used at different heights always as part of compound neumes in a descending melodic movement. The lozenge is not used in isolation.
This fragment belongs to a group of fragments currently held in P-BRs and P-G which share the same style of notation: P-BRs Fragments 1, 3, 10 (fragments 1 and 3 originally belonged to the same codex); P-G C 1372, C 1429, N 133 (fragments C 1372 and N 133 originally belonged to the same codex), N 161 and P 217. From a notational standpoint, the main difference between these sources is the shape of the custos, however, P-G C 1429 and P 217 are too mutilated and today we don't know if custodes were originally written on these sources or not.
Fol. C: square notation on a red tetragram.
Under the shelf-mark 'N 133' are gathered a non-central bifolium originally from an Antiphoner (fols. A - B) and a shred of parchment coming from a much later manuscript, probably also an Antiphoner (fol. C). The bifolium was heavily mutilated to fit the size of the book it currently covers. Fol. A contains some chants for Mauritii (22/9) and Michaelis (29/9). The chants on fol. C remain unidentified.
Fragments N 133 and C 1372 (available at http://pemdatabase.eu/source/43025) in the Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta of Guimarães share the same codicological features (text and music palaeography, mise en page, decoration etc.) and it is possible to surmise that the two fragments originally belonged to the same book.
Full-page column (fols. A - B).
Musical Items
Folio | Seq | Incipit Sort descending | Feast | Occasion | Genre | Position | Cantus ID | Mode |
Br | 003 | [...] | Michaelis | V | ? | |||
C | 002 | [...] | R | ? | ||||
Ar | 001 | [...] est mirabilis | Mauritii et sociorum | [?] | ? | |||
C | 001 | [...] illi q[...] | [?] | ? | ||||
Br | 001 | [...]omi eter[...] | Michaelis | ? | ||||
Br | 002 | [Hic est] Michael ar[changelus princeps | Michaelis | R | 006826 | ? | ||
Av | 001 | [Sanctus Mauritius legionem sanc]tam promonuit | Mauritii et sociorum | M | R | 007614 | ? | |
Ar | 003 | Hii sancti viri (in re)bus | Mauritii et sociorum | M | A | 1.2 | 003043 | ? |
Av | 002 | O viri fortes in armis s( | Mauritii et sociorum | M | V | 007614a | ? | |
Ar | 002 | Quanta [excolendus e]st reverencia sacer | Mauritii et sociorum | M | A | 1.1 | 004444 | ? |