P-BRam (Braga) Arquivo Municipal Nº 009 Códices

Nº 009 Códices

P-BRam Nº 009 Códices

Source type
Document type
13th cent.
Chants for 'Sabbato Sancto' on fol. A are found with the same liturgical order in P-BRs Ms. 32, fol. 201r et sequitur (http://pemdatabase.eu/compositions?src=2902&feast%5B%5D=1003&string=&cid=&office=&category=All). The only difference between these two sources is the third resposory of the third nocturn which is respectively 'Domine post passionem', Cantus ID 006504 (P-BRam Nº9 Códices) and 'Sicut ovis', Cantus ID 007661 (P-BRs Ms. 32). On fol. Av the scribe wrote 'Heloy heloy lama sabathani deus meus deus meus ut quid me dereliquisti' without notation at the end of Matins (right column) but later on, this text was struck through. Some of the chants on fol. B are found in P-BRs Ms. 32 for 'Fer. 5 p. Pascha' but the two liturgies differ. On the other hand, the same series of chants on fol. B can be found in the same order in E-Tc 44.2, fols. 95r-96r for 'Fer. 4 and 5 p. Pascha'. The comparison of the chants on fol. A with the office for 'Sabbato Sancto' in E-Tc 44.1 fol. 75rv shows partial correspondence between the chants in the two sources: not only the third responsory of the third nocturn is different but also the antiphon for Prime.
Description of the notation

Small size neumes around a red line. Presence of custodes where needed. The axis of the notation is vertical. The lozenge is used consistently both in isolation and in compound neumes (either ascending or descending patterns). The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is clearly defined. Chants in 4th mode have the line which means F, not E.

Page layout

Two columns per page.


Non-central bifolium. Catchword on fol. Bv 'Venit'.

Description author/s
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 28
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
Ar 001 Extimatus sum cum descendentibus in lacum Sabbato Sancto M R 3.1 006057 4
Ar 002 Posuerunt me in lacu inferiori (in Sabbato Sancto M V 01 006057b 4
Ar 003 Agnus dei Christus immolatus est pro Sabbato Sancto M R 3.2 006065 2
Ar 004 Luxtra sex qui iam peracta tempus Sabbato Sancto M V 01 006065b 2
Ar 005 Domine post passionem tuam et post Sabbato Sancto M R 3.3 006504 2
Av 001 Ego dixi in excessu (mentis in) Sabbato Sancto M V 01 006504a 2
Av 002 O mors ero mors tua morsus Sabbato Sancto L A 1 004045 4
Av 003 Plangent (eum) quasi unigenitum quia innocens Sabbato Sancto L A 2 004295 4
Av 004 Attendite universi populi et videte dolorem Sabbato Sancto L A 3 001512 7
Av 005 A porta inferi erue domine animam Sabbato Sancto L A 4 001191 2
Av 006 O vos omnes qui transitis per Sabbato Sancto L A 5 004095 8
Av 007 Christus factus est pro nobis oboediens Sabbato Sancto L W 007983 *
Av 008 Mulieres sedentes ad monumentum lamentabantur flentes Sabbato Sancto L A B 003826 4
Av 009 Cum accepiss(et acetum dixit) consumatum Sabbato Sancto P A 001970 1
Av 010 Sepulto domino signatum est monumentum ponentes Sabbato Sancto T A 004868 4
Av 011 Ululate pastores et clamate aspergite vos Sabbato Sancto S A 005264 5
Br 001 Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis venite prandete Fer. 4 p. Pascha V2 A 002297 1
Br 002 Christus resurgens a mortuis iam non Fer. 5 p. Pascha M R 1 600356 4
Br 003 Mortuus est est enim propter delicta Fer. 5 p. Pascha M V 01 600356a 4
Bv 001 Isti sunt agni novelli qui annuntiaverunt Fer. 5 p. Pascha M R 2 007012 7