Clamaverunt justi *

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Siglum Folio Seq Incipit Feast Office Genre Position Mode Image DB
A-Gu : Ms 0807 122r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
A-Gu : Ms 0807 130v 14 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
A-Gu : Ms 0807 132r 3 Clamaverunt * Viti et Socii In Image MMMO
A-Gu : Ms 0807 138v 15 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
A-Gu : Ms 0807 146v 11 Clamaverunt * Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073 043r 14 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073 047v 16 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073 048r 17 Clamaverunt * Viti et Socii MASS In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073 051r 23 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073 055v 68 Clamaverunt * Crispini,Crispiniani MASS In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588 123r 15 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588 131r 12 Clamaverunt justi * Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588 107v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588 116v 12 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588 118r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Viti et Socii In Image MMMO
A-KN CCl 494 002v 9 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et sociorum MASS In Image A4M
A-KN CCl 548 005v 10 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et sociorum MASS In Image A4M
A-KN CCl 548 007r 19 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et sociorum MASS In Image A4M
B-Br : II 3823 093v 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii MASS In 2 Image MMMO
B-Br : II 3823 096r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
B-Br : Ms 10127-44 105r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
B-Br : Ms 10127-44 106v 15 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
CH-Cobodmer : C 0074 097r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-Cobodmer : C 0074 108r 6 Clamaverunt* | REQUIRE IN ALEXANDRI CVI Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
CH-E 121 243 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit Alexandri et sociorum MI In 0 ? Image CD
CH-E 121 261 9 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 ? Image CD
CH-P 18 304 16 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 2 Image CD
CH-ROM : Ms. liturg. FiD 5 086v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0338 206 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0338 220 14 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0339 118 11 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0339 126 24 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0340 144 8 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0340 151 22 Clamaverunt* Marcelli, Pont. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 205 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 208 14 Clamaverunt * In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 214 21 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 216 2 Clamaverunt* Viti, Modesti In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 224 13 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 226 8 Clamaverunt* Machabaeorum In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 232 17 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342 238 11 Clamaverunt * Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343 085 8 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Juvenalis, Alexandri et Eventii MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343 089 10 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343 151 1 Clamaverunt * Viti, Modesti MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343 159 6 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 125 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 128 2 Clamaverunt* Viti, Modesti In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 135 24 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 144 5 Clamaverunt* Pelagii In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374 151 23 Clamaverunt* Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 167 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 179 25 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 010 29 Clamaverunt* Primi, Feliciani In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 011 8 Clamaverunt* Viti et Socii In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 012 11 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 013 25 Clamaverunt* Vincula Petri In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 015 1 Clamaverunt* Augustini In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0375 018 6 Clamaverunt* Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 228 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 231 7 Clamaverunt * Viti, Modesti MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 241 13 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 244 16 Clamaverunt * Eusebii Episcopi MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 251 17 Clamaverunt * Pelagii MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0376 260 20 Clamaverunt * Crispini,Crispiniani MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 381 5 Clamaverunt * MASS In 2 Image MMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0381 102 11 Clamaverunt justi * Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
CH-SGv : VadSlg Ms 0295 057v 2 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
CH-SGv : VadSlg Ms 0295 062r 12 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
CZ-Bm (Brno) A 7115 092r 1 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image FCB
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12 228r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image FCB
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12 230v 1 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image FCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) XIII A 5c 185r 3 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plur. Mart. MASS In 2 Image FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 068v 5 Clamaverunt alleluia* Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 076v 3 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 078r 2 Clamaverunt justi* Viti et sociorum MASS In Image FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 084r 18 Clamaverunt justi* Kiliani et Soc. MASS In Image FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 095v 22 Clamaverunt* Crispini,Crispiniani MASS In Image FCB
D-B : Ms mus 40078 206v 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-B : Ms mus 40078 208r 18 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 005 191 30 Clamaverunt * Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 006 047r 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 006 051v 11 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 007 043v 9 Clamaverunt justi et dominus * Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 007 047r 6 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-DS : Hs 0545 090r 9 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image MMMO
D-Ful : Aa 0006 063v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
D-Ful : Aa 0006 067r 10 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
D-HEu : Cod. Sal. X,007 112r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-HEu : Cod. Sal. X,007 114r 8 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-KA : Lichtenthal 002 095v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
D-KNd : Ms 1001b 215v 7 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-KNd : Ms 1001b 252r 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum TP In Image MMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale 225r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale 226r 8 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-LEu : Ms Thomas 391 111v 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In e = 2 Image MMMO
D-LEu : Ms Thomas 391 112r 12 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 02542 029v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 03005 150V 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 03005 182R 6 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 14965b 044ra 10 Clamaverunt justi * MASS In 2 Image MMMO
D-Sl : Cod.Bibl.fol.065 001v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum In Image MMMO
D-Sl : HB I 246 186v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
D-Sl : HB I 246 190r 7 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
D-TRp : Hs 0187 142v 6 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
D-TRp : Hs 0187 143v 6 Clamaverunt justi * Cyrici MASS In Image MMMO
D-TRp : Hs 0187 158r 3 Clamaverunt * Timothei, Simphoriani MASS In Image MMMO
D-TRp : Hs 0187 178v 11 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 157r 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 170v 14 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 173r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Viti, Modesti In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 183r 1 Clamaverunt * Kiliani et Soc. In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 186r 1 Clamaverunt * Machabaeorum In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 193r 1 Clamaverunt * Augustini In Image MMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008 201v 1 Clamaverunt * Crispini,Crispiniani In Image MMMO
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147 122v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147 124v 9 Clamaverunt justi Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 648 136r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 648 138r 13 Clamaverun Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 18 b246v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 18 b250 1 Clamaverunt justi Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 18 b309v 1 Clamaverunt justi* MASS In Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 51 186 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 51 189v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 51 203v 3 Clamaverunt justi Christophori MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 145r 2 Clamaverunt justi* Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 145v 26 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image SEMM
E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 159v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-PAMan (Pamplona) Partitura n. 196 001r 7 Clamaverunt* Nazarii, Celsi MASS In Image SEMM
E-PAMan (Pamplona) partitura n. 95 001r 1 Clamaverunt Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-PAMan (Pamplona) partitura n. 97 001v 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 2 Image SEMM
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 187v Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et sociorum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 190v Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 * Image PEM
F-AI : Ms 0044 031v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-AI : Ms 0044 034r 10 Clamaverunt [justi] et dominus exaudivit* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091 185v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091 188v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091 206r 1 Clamaverunt* Machabaeorum In Image MMMO
F-AS : Ms 0437 (cat. 1011) 069r 5 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0010 (8*) 228r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0012 (11) 120r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii MASS In Image MMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0012 (11) 121v 12 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0060 (61) 075r 8 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0060 (61) 076r 4 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0061 (62) 097r 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0061 (62) 106r 2 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0075 (76) 094r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-CA : Ms 0075 (76) 102r 3 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 035v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40) 038v 17 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-CO : Ms 0444 (217) 043r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 025r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud 027v 22 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0236 141r 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0236 145v 6 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239 059v 10 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239 064v 18 Clamaverunt justi* | Cap. XCV Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-LG : Ms 0002 (17) 132v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-LG : Ms 0002 (17) 151r 3 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 108v 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004 111r 14 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-PR : Ms 0012 161r 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-PR : Ms 0012 179v 7 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0135 163r 15 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0135 193v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197 117v 3 Clamaverunt justi * Alexandri et Soc. M In Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197 119v 12 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri M In Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197 120r 9 Clamaverunt * Viti, Modesti M In Image MMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197 150r 7 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum M In Image MMMO
F-Pm : Ms 0384 089r 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pm : Ms 0384 096v 11 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 067r 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087 072v 4 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1132 069v 14 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1132 078r 11 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1132 091v 35 Clamaverunt * MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1132 094r 17 Clamaverunt * Caesarii MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12050 011r 19 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Plagalis proti Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12050 012r 6 Clamaverunt justi* | Require Cap. XVCII Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 178v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584 182v 11 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 193v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 195r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307 241r 11 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17436 020v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17436 022r 24 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 2291 012r | c4 9 Clamaverunt justi* Juvenalis, Alexandri et Eventii In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 2291 012v | c4 2 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 775 007r 30 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 073v 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 087r 3 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780 104v 6 Clamaverunt * Dionysii In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 833 191r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 903 086v 7 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In 2 Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 903 094v 19 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 904 246v 8 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9439 157r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9439 159v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9441 150v 1 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9441 180r 6 Clamaverunt * Dionysii,8 MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9441 194v 2 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235 086v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235 093r 1 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01414 095r 9 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01414 093v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01669 024v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01669 031v 6 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01890 119r 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01890 121v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
F-RS : Ms 0221 064v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-RS : Ms 0264 048v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
F-RS : Ms 0264 049v 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-RS : Ms 0264 049v 11 Clamaverunt Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-SEm : Ms 018 0309 7 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MASS In Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 181v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252 185v 13 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
F-VAL : Ms 0121 093v 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
F-VAL : Ms 0121 100r 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18031 001r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18031 001r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos MASS In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 128v 2 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In 2 Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 130v 3 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857 037v 7 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857 041v 3 Clamaverunt justi et * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Harley 4951 230v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
GB-Lbl : Harley 4951 264r 5 Clamaverunt justi * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 108r 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. in vigilia plurimorum apostolorum In Image MMMO
H-Bn Clmae 172a, 172b – Graduale Cassoviense I-II 287r 1 Clamaverunt justi Alexander m. Intr 1 2 Image HCD
H-Bn Clmae 172a, 172b – Graduale Cassoviense I-II 291r 3 Clamaverunt justi* Intr 3 2* Image HCD
H-Bn Clmae 172a, 172b – Graduale Cassoviense I-II 154v 1 Clamaverunt justi Intr 1 2 Image HCD
H-Efkö MS I. 1 a-b – Graduale Strigoniense Thomae Card. Bakócz I-II. 067v 3 Clamaverunt justi Intr 3 2 Image HCD
I-BGc : MA 150 (Psi III.8) 068v 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
I-BGc : MA 150 (Psi III.8) 079r 2 Clamaverunt justi* Primi, Feliciani In Image MMMO
I-BGc : MA 239 (Gamma III.18) 093r 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
I-BGc : MA 239 (Gamma III.18) 103r 13 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
I-BV : 34 167v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
I-BV : 34 194r 5 Clamaverunt justi * Nerei, Achillei MASS In Image MMMO
I-BV : 34 211v 11 Clamaverunt* Nazarii, Celsi MASS In Image MMMO
I-Bc : Q 09 110v 2 Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
I-Bc : Q 09 119v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 136r 27 Clamaverunt * Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 156v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum In Image MMMO
P-BRam (Braga) Arquivo Municipal Nº 014 Códices Ar Clamaverunt justi et domi[nus exaudivit] undetermined MI In 0 ? Image PEM
P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034 366 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
P-Cm (Coimbra) Biblioteca Municipal FPM-B50-09 r Clamaverunt justi * Nicomedis MI In 0 Image PEM
P-EVp (Évora) Biblioteca Pública Pasta 3, doc. 039 + doc. 038 + doc. 42 Ev (042) Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011 024r Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 * Image PEM
P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011 074r-074v Clamaverunt justi [et] dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal Iluminado 084 181v Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 2 Image PEM
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal Iluminado 084 226r Clamaverunt justi et Dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-005 069r Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Quadraginta Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image PEM
PL-Kl RL 1 Graduał wiślicki 171r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza 072r 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 1 Image CPL
PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza 072v 6 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr * Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 411 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 086r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 413 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 127v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 413 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 131r 7 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 414 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 091v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 414 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 093v 4 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr * Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 416 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 138v 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-WRu I F 416 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) 141r 10 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr * Image CPL
PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława 232r 7 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława 242v 16 Clamaverunt* Kiliani et Soc. MASS Intr * Image CPL
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense 068v 11 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS Intr 2 Image CPL
PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense 070r 11 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS Intr * Image CPL
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 107v (P 183v) 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri, Eventii In Image MMMO
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1) 110v (T 070v) 1 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
SK-BRa EC Lad. 3, EL 18 – Missale notatum Strigoniense 151r 3 Clamaverunt justi Alexander m. Intr 3 2 Image HCD
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum 140v 1 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image CSK
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum 208v 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Commune plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 4 Image CSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 232rb 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image CSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 238ra 1 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image CSK
SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Graduale Scepusiense 160v 3 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Commune plurimorum Martyrum MASS In 4 Image CSK
SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Graduale Scepusiense 192v 5 Clamaverunt* Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image CSK
SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Graduale Scepusiense 193v 9 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image CSK
US-Baw : W.0011 142r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
US-Baw : W.0011 162v 1 Clamaverunt jus[ti]* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
US-NYcub Western MS 097 233r 8 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri MI In 0 * Image CD
US-NYcub Western MS 097 324r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit Comm. plurimorum Martyrum MI In 0 2 Image CD
US-PHf : Lewis E 158 S033r 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In 2 Image MMMO
US-PHf : Lewis T72 001r 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Archivio di San Pietro F.22 079v 6 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Archivio di San Pietro F.22 079v 20 Clamaverunt* Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Archivio di San Pietro F.22 087v 2 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Comm. plurimorum Martyrum In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Ross.0076 163r 4 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : Ross.0076 164v 1 Clamaverunt justi+ Marcellini, Petri In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : 130v 5 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : 155r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : 104r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus exaudivit eos Alexandri et Soc. MASS In Image MMMO
V-CVbav : 109v 18 Clamaverunt justi* Marcellini, Petri MASS In Image MMMO