Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso

Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso in limine Christi insecutor sustulit ceu turbo nascentes rosas | Vos prima Christi victima grex immolatorum tener aram ante ipsam simplices palma et coronis luditis | Gloria tibi domine qui natus es de virgine cum patre et sancto spiritu in sempiterna saecula Amen
Liturgical occasion
Cantus ID
AH reference
cf. L 27
CAO reference
cf. 8389
ITHM reference
Other references
Stäblein 081
The time signature (C cut sign) at the beginning of the chant and the chant's musical notation itself indicate a particular notation and use of rhythm. The last stanza of the chant appears in other chants as well, so it works as a little doxology.
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Database Chant count
Cantus Database
Slovak Early Music Database
Fontes Cantus Bohemiae
Portuguese Early Music Database
Medieval Music Manuscripts Online
Siglum Folio Seq Incipit Feast Office Genre Position Mode Image DB
A-KN CCl 1010 033v 4 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium M H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1010 042r 20 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. M H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1013 045r 1 Salvete* Nat. Innocentium L H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1013 045v 5 Salvete* Nat. Innocentium V2 H 0 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1015 056v 7 Salvete* Nat. Innocentium M H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1015 068r 19 Salvete* Oct. Nat. Innocent. M H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1017 047r 3 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium M H 0 * Image CD
A-KN CCl 1017 058v 14 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. M H 0 * Image CD
A-LIb 290 135v 8 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium L H 0 * Image CD
A-LIb 290 135v 16 Salvete* Nat. Innocentium V2 H 0 * Image CD
A-LIb 290 142v 9 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. V H 0 * Image CD
A-LIb 290 142v 25 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. L H 0 * Image CD
A-Wn Cod. 1890 050v 26 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. V H 0 * Image CD
CH-E Cod 0366 039 9 Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso H Image MMMO
CZ-Pst DE I 7 029v 19 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium V H 0 * Image CD
CZ-Pst DE I 7 032v 15 Salvete flores martyrum* Nat. Innocentium V2 H 0 * Image CD
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 054v 4 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium L H Image FCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 060v 3 Salvete flores* Oct. Nat. Innocent. V H Image FCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 060v 7 Salvete* Oct. Nat. Innocent. L H Image FCB
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 089v 11 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium L H 0 Image CD
DK-Kk 3449 8o [02] II 102v 1 Salvete flores martyrum quos Nat. Innocentium X H 01 Image CD
E-SA 6 043r 3 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium L H 0 * Image CD
EC-Qsf 4 013r 1 Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis Nat. Innocentium L H 0 7 Image CD
I-MC 542 026 9 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium L H 0 * Image CD
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 258 005v-005x1r Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso Nat. Innocentium L H 0 7 Image PEM
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 258 005r-005v Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso Nat. Innocentium V H 0 8 Image PEM
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb 011r 2 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium V H Image CSK
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb 018r 13 Salve flores* Nat. Innocentium V2 H Image CSK
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV 044v 1 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium V H Image CSK
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV 048r 11 Salve flores* Nat. Innocentium V2 H Image CSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6 008v 2 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium V H Image CSK
TR-Itks 42 029v 10 Salvete flores* Nat. Innocentium V H 0 * Image CD