P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 258

L.C. 258

P-Ln L.C. 258

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
15th century (second half)
Temporale (ff. 1r-62v), Proprium Sanctorum (ff. 62v-124v), Commune Sanctorum (ff. 126r-185v).
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Music written in black on a red pentagram, in square and in semi-mensural notation, and uses time signatures, clefs and custodes. The musical notation is mostly in figured chant (the figures of longa, brevis, semibrevis and minima), but there are also melodies written with the common square notation.

The decoration of the hymnal is sober and is limited to the initials of the text,
usually in red and/or blue, either filigreed in the opposite color or in calligraphy.

There are four large capitals with this decoration, which mark the beginning of the codex (fol. 1), the beginning of the Commune Sanctorum (fol. 126r) and the feasts Nathaliciis unius martiris (fol.138r) and Nathaliciis plurimorum martyrum (fol.145v).

Condition of document

Most of the parchment is well preserved. However, there are some folios with the text scraped off, bottom margins trimmed too much and the final guard-leaves mutilated. The choir book is incomplete, with a total of 40 folios missing.

Page layout

Current measures of the folios: 330 x 454 mm. The pages were trimmed and the measurements of the original folios were 405 x 506 mm.

Writing area 255 x 395 mm. Text and music arranged in one column, 6 lines with music and text (pentagram 255 x 43mm, interlinear space is 11 mm).


Three foliation in Arabic numbering can be found in the codex. The
original foliation is brown numbers written on the bottom right-hand corner. The second foliation, probably written in the 16th or 17th century, is black color and thinner stroke on the bottom right-hand corner. After the digitalization of the manuscript, a modern foliation was added in pencil in the top right-hand corner added to filling in the foliation lacuna.


I13 (fols.1-10, 8 folios in gathering and 5 fly-leaves), II8 (fols. 11-18), III6 (fols. 19-24, missing the folios 20-21), IV8 (fols. 25-32), V4 (fols. 33-40, missing the folios 35-38), VI8 (fols. 41-48), VII6 (fols. 49-56, artificial quire), VIII8 (fols. 57-64), IX2 (fols. 65-72, missing the folios 66-71), missing quire (fols. 73-80), X6 (fols. 81-86), XI7 (fols. 87-93, missing the folio 94), XII6 (added quire, fols. 93x1-94), XIII4 (added quire, fols. 94x1-96), XIV6 (fols. 97-102, missing the folios 95-96), missing quire (fols. 103-110), XV4 (fols. 111-120, missing the folios 113-118), fly-leaves (fols. 121-124), XVI8 (fols. 126-137), XVII8 (fols. 138-145), XVIII4(fols. 146-153, missing the folios 148-151), XIX8 (fols. 154-161), XX7 (fols. 162-169, missing the folio 164), missing quire (fols. 170-177), XXI8 (fols. 178-185).


The bookbinding is made of wooden planes covered in wet stamped leather. Each plan has four bosses and a central stamped star with a boss in the center. The poor state of preservation can be seen in the damaged back and covering and in the traces of clasps
on the back cover.

Martins, Inês. “Perspectives on the Hieronymite hymnal P-Ln L.C. 258: a complex and modified choir book”. Chapter to be published in the volume Actas of V MEDyREN International Congress "Encrucijadas musicales" (probably published in 2025).
Description author/s
Indexed by
Project ID

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 72
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
001r-002r 1 Creator alme siderum aeterna lux credentium In tempore Adventus V H 008284.2 4
002v-003v 1 Verbum supernum prodiens e patris aeterni Adv., dom. M H 008409.1 2
003v-004v 2 En clara vox redarguit obscura quaeque Adv., dom. L H 008413.1 2
005r-005v 1 Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso Nat. Innocentium V H 008389 8
005v-005x1r 2 Salvete flores martyrum quos lucis ipso Nat. Innocentium L H 008389 7
005x1v 1 O sola magnarum urbium major Bethlem Epiphania L H 830252 7
005x2r-006v 1 Jesu redemptor omnium quem lucis ante Nativitas Domini V H 008277.1 8
006v-008v 2 A solis ortus cardine adusque terrae Nativitas Domini L H 008248.2 7
008v-010r 2 Crudelis Herodes deum regem venire quid Epiphania V H 008248:08.1 7
010r-011r 2 Enixa est puerpera quem Gabriel praedixerat Epiphania L H cf. 008248 7
011r-012r 2 Audi benigne conditor nostras preces cum In tempore Quadragesimae V H 008267.1 8
012r-014v 2 Ex more docti mystico servemus hoc In tempore Quadragesimae M H 008300 8
014v-015v 2 Jam Christe sol justitiae mentis dehiscant In tempore Quadragesimae L H cf. 008325 8
015v-017r 2 Audi benigne conditor nostras preces cum V H 008267.1 T 2
017r-018v 2 Conditor alme siderum aeterna lux credentium M H 008284.1 4
019v 2 Jam Christe* L H 008325 8
019v-022r 3 Ad preces nostras deitatis aures deus Quadragesimae, dom. V H cf. 008269 1
022r-024r 2 Vexilla regis prodeunt fulget crucis mysterium Dom. de passione V H 008410.1 1
026r-028r 2 Lustra sex qui jam peregit tempus L H g00965.1 3
028r-030r 2 Vexilla regis prodeunt fulget crucis mysterium V H 008410.1 2