P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 036

Pasta de fragmentos, 036

P-BRad Pasta 036

Source type
Document type
early 13th century; early 16th century
Type of script
Description of the notation

The fragment named "A" has Aquitanian notation on a single red line with presence of the slanted punctum to signal de semitone (e.g. at the word abundaverunt). 

The fragment named "B" is in black square notation on a 5-line red staff.


Both fragments have initials, secondary initials and rubrics in red ink. The verso of fragment "B" has two blue initials with filigree desing in red.


«Caixa 279, n.º 1» (frag. Ar bottom margin, pencil)

«36» (frag. Ar bottom margin, red pencil)

«P[...] P[...] / Dos Acompanhamentos dos Irmãos» (frag. Bv left margin, black ink)

Fragment Br has some calculations.

Condition of document

Damaged. The fragments were cut and glued together with loss of content. They were used as a book cover. The ink of folio Bv is faded.

Page layout

fol. Ar: 299-306 x 180-191 mm, text arranged in two columns with 20 text lines and 8 music lines (left column) and 29 text lines (right column).

fol. Br: 255-261 x 300-305 mm, one column with 6 text lines and 2 music lines.


Fragment A corresponds to readings, antiphons and prayer for the time after Pentecost (possibly the 6th and the 7th Sunday). 

The antiphon in the recto of fragment B is associated with the Nativity. The prayer after the antiphon refers to the pregnancy of Mary: O[...]ne deus, qui ex abundantia ca[rit]atis beatam Mariam semper virg[inem ... fi]lio tuo gravida: ad v[...]. 
The rubric in the verso of this fragment is quite faded, but can be read: Jn die Beate Marie de [ni]uibus. Ad matutinos Jnuitatorium. Only the initial and the first note of the following antiphon remain.

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