P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 028
P-AR Res. Ms. 028
The notation on fol. 76v-80 has two layers; the earlier, with Exultet iam angelica turba etc., records a tone for the Blessing of the Candles that has been replaced by another in the more recent layer. After fol. 77v the earlier layer remains unscathed except for a change of clef, from C to F.
Fol. 19r: 17<156>33 x 11<233>64
Number of folios: [1]+168+[1]. Modern foliation in pencil, Arabic numerals, from 1 to 168 (systematic only until fol. 90). Unnumbered folios: one between 20 and 21, another between 65 and 66.
Leather over boards, with five metal staples on each side (one missing) and locks.
Catalogue entry by Diogo Alte da Veiga in Acervo histórico do Mosteiro de Arouca - Catálogo: https://arouca.fcsh.unl.pt/content/res-ms-028