P-EVad (Évora) Arquivo Distrital 006


P-EVad Mús. Lit. Ms. nº006

Document type
16th - 17th cent.
001r - Invitatory Antiphons; 025r - Kyriale; 035r - Invitatory Antiphons; 037v - Antiphon Dirige domine deus; 038v - Lectionarium; 042r - Requiem; 048r - Kyrie trope Rex virginum (with the rubric: duo); 050r - Antiphons; 050v - Sicut cervus desiderat.
Type of notation

Black initials with cadel design (e.g. 1r), cadel decoration (e.g. 18r), Parti-coloured floriate initials (e.g. 19v). Parti-coloured champ initials (e.g. 22r). Flourish initial in blue or red ink and plain initials in red ink.

Condition of document

Good. This is a composite manuscript made up of two sections, called here "A" and "B". Section "A" is made of paper and it is more modern (fols. 1-24). Section "B" is more ancient and its made of parchment (fols. 25-51).
Section "A" can be subdivided into two sections according to their paleographical characteristics: fols. 1-18 and 19-23r, with the following three pages being left empty. From fols. 1-18 the contents (music & text) is written only on the rectos. Subsequently, each page bears music and textual contents. The stylistic characteristics of the two subsections within "A" hint that this section was written by, at least, two different scribes.
Regarding the condition of section "A", there are several holes, some caused by corrosion of the ink (e.g. fol. 2r) while others probably caused by insects (see for example the holes at the bottom of 3r to 5r). Fols. 6r-9r are trimmed at the bottom, but there is no loss of content.
Section "B" is also composite. The first folios contain the end of a Kyriale (until fol. 34v). Folios from 42r to 50 seem to have been written by another hand; this section shows many erasures with new text and music additions ( e.g. fols. 42v, 043rv).
The last two folios (50 and 51) are later additions. Text and music on fol. 50 are written in black ink while fol. 51 has the staves in red ink.




The end of Kyrie Rex virginum (ff. 48r-50v) is on folio 24r.


Alegria, José Augusto, Biblioteca Pública de Évora – Catálogo dos Fundos Musicais, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien, 1977, p. 184.

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Musical Items