P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 090 (olim Caixa 242, nº 2)

Pastas de fragmentos, 090 (olim Caixa 242, nº 2)

P-BRad Pastas 090

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
late 12th century
Type of script
Type of notation

Plain initials in red. Colour-stroked letters in red and black. Display script in red. Text and neums in black. Aquitanian notation on dry-point line.

Three inscriptions on fol. Ar. "90" is written in red ink (modern hand) between the two columns. Along the left margin: "Caixa 242, n° 2" written in blue ink (modern hand) and “Sam Salvador de Donim”. One unreadable later hand inscription was added on Bv, left column, at the end of responsory "Apparuerunt" (Cantus ID 006110). A second inscription, possibly by the same hand, is found below. Both inscriptions are written reversed with respect to the contents of the page.
Condition of document

Bifolium slightly damaged. The two pages are not consecutive. The fragment was used as a cover. The lateral margins are ripped; traces of thread-stitching along the perimeter of the fragment. The side Bv - Ar is in worse condition: the ink is vanished, folds and creases make the reading difficult. Patches of damp and dirtiness.

Page layout

Size of the fragment: 455-535 x 413-421 mm; fol. A: 213-270 x 413-421 mm; fol: B 223-268 x 413-421 mm. Text area: two columns of 82-95 x c. 335 mm. 38 text lines, some with music.

Avelino de Jesus da Costa refers to this fragment as "Caixa 242 - 31 – Número 2 – Tombo de Salvador de Donim, 1549". The parish church and abbey of São Salvador de Donim is located about 15 km east of Braga and was a dependency of the Benedictine Monastery of Tibães.

COSTA, Avelino Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico, 9 vols. (Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944)

Description author/s
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 30
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
Ar 001 Ascendens in altum alleluia captivam duxit Ascensio Domini M R 2.4 006121 4
Ar 002 Ascendit deus in jubilatione et dominus Ascensio Domini M V 01 006121a 4
Ar 003 Gloria* Ascensio Domini M V 02 909000 4
Ar 004 Pater san[cte]* Ascensio Domini M A 3 004242 ?
Ar 005 Exaltare domine in virtute* Ascensio Domini M W 3 008061 *
Ar 006 Ponis nubem ascensum tuum domine qui Ascensio Domini M R 3.1 007392 2
Ar 007 Qui facis angelos tuos spiritus et Ascensio Domini M V 01 007392a 2
Ar-Av 008 Non conturbetur cor vestrum ego vadam Ascensio Domini M R 3.2 007225 3
Av 001 Ego rogabo patrem et alium paraclitum Ascensio Domini M V 01 007225b 3
Av 002 Tempus est ut revertar ad eum Ascensio Domini M R 3.3 007758 4
Av 003 Pacem meam do vobis pacem relinquo Ascensio Domini M V 01 007758b 4
Av 004 Viri Galilaei quid admiramini aspicientes in Ascensio Domini M R 3.4 007904 7
Av 005 Cumque intuerentur in caelum euntem illum Ascensio Domini M V 01 007904a 7
Av 006 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Ascensio Domini M V 02 909000 7
Br 001 [Ite in orbem universum et praedicate Pentecostes M R 2.2 007028 8
Br 002 Signa eos qui in me credunt Pentecostes M V 01 007028b 8
Br 003 Spiritus sanctus replevit totam domum ubi Pentecostes M R 2.3 007694 7
Br 004 Dum ergo essent discipuli in unum Pentecostes M V 01 007694a 7
Br 005 Loquebantur variis linguis apostoli magnalia dei Pentecostes M R 2.4 007101 2
Br 006 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu sancto et Pentecostes M V 01 007101a 2