P-Gsc (Guimarães) Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Arquivo 225


P-Gsc 225

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
12th - 13th cent.
Hermetis et Juliani; Sabinae; Decoll. Jo. Bapt.; Felicis et Adaucti; Aegidii; Justi (Bishop of Lyon); Marcelli (Martyr); Evurtii; Nativitas Mariae; Michaelis; Hieronimi; Victoris et Ursi; Marci pape; Dionisii, Rustici et Eleutherii; Geraldi conf. (count of Aurillac); Callisti pape.
Type of script
Description of the notation

Small/medium size neumes around a red line. The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is always clearly defined. The axis of the notation is vertical. Lozenge is used very consistently both in isolation and in combination. Alleluia In conspectu g01429 on fol. Br is in 4th mode and the line means F. Here, the F-clef was added in red ink at the beginning of the piece. Custodes occasionally used only on Brv.


Initials in red and black, plain or with simple decorations in the same or in the alternate colour

The fragment was formerly used as book cover. Folio Br has two stickers providing the shelf-mark of the book. A later hand inscription whose ink is almost completely vanished can be read at the top right corner of fol. Br.
Condition of document

Bifolium damaged; some dirtiness and traces of humidity, holes. Library stickers and some folds demonstrate that the fragment was used for long time as a book cover, however, it is currently detached from the book it protected.

Page layout

Fol. A: 1 col. 28 rl / 28 wl — c.20<c.200>c.20 x ]0<276-282>0[
Fol. B: 1 col. 28 rl / 28 wl — c.20<c.200>c.25 x ]0<276-280>0[



The liturgical calendar (August 28 through September 8, then September 29 through October 14) coincides with that of Cluny.
Description author/s