P-Cmn (Coimbra) Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro PD 1131 (olim 2271 [Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro])

PD 1131 (olim 2271 [Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro])
Name of the source
Missae et Cantica

P-Cmn 1131

Source type
Document type
16th century
001v- Asperges me antiphon; 002r- Vidi aquam antiphon; 003v- Kyrie compositions; 012v- Gloria compositions; 021r Credo compositions; 040r- Sanctus compositions; 048v- Agnus dei compositions; ff. 052v- Readings from the Prophets (without music) ; 069v- Te deum; 073r- Te decet laus; 073v- Office antiphons for Our Lady
Type of script
Type of notation

Inicials in red, black or blue with filigree designs in red or blue. Folios 001v, 003v; 012v; 021r; 040r; 048v; 053v with illuminations.

Condition of document

Good, some folios margins are cut. There are some water stains but these do not damage music or text.

Page layout

Fol. 2: c. c.50<330-344>66-67 x c. 40<c.510>c.70 mm. Fol. 34: c.50<347>64-68 x c.45<c.510>c.65. 1 column with 6 lines with music and text.


75 folios with arabic numbering in the bottom, some numbers can not be read because of the margins cuts.


Leather over boards

This manuscript is actually at the Paço dos Duques de Bragança in Guimarães. Most folios have erasures and corrections in the melody and text replacement . Some staves show erasures in the melody but no corresponding update, the text remaining alone.
MAGALHÃES, Eduardo; "Os livros de Cantochão dos séculos XVI e XVII do Museu de Alberto Sampaio" (Tese de mestrado, Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 2001).
FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro (coord.), Harmonias do céu e da terra: A música nos manuscritos de Guimarães (séculos XII-XVII) / Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: The music in the manuscripts of Guimarães (12th-17th centuries), Lisboa: CESEM, 2012, pp. 32-33.
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