P-EVad (Évora) Arquivo Distrital Mús. Lit. Ms. n.º 011

Mús. Lit. Ms. n.º 011

P-EVad Mús. Lit. Ms. n.º 011

Source type
Document type
16th century

Excerpts from the Gradual, mostly from the Sanctorale from Nov. 30 to the end of April (fols. 1-67); preceded, as is normal in Processionals, by the Asperges me (fol. 1r) and Vidi aquam (fol. 1v). Then a Kyriale (fols. 68-73) follows and finally, the Antiphoner (fols. 74-82) section. The latter contains some chants for Advent. There are also four initial paper guard-leaves. In the first three leaves a modern hand added some chants on the recto pages (the ink permeated the folios and the notation is visible also on the verso). Then, two sheets of parchment were interpolated before the beginning of the Gradual section; they contain a Responsory for the Guardian Angel. The responsory Justus ut palma was written on the final guard-leaf by a modern hand ("999o_final guard-leaf 1r).

Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Late Iberian version of square notation over five-line red staves.


Black cadel initials (e.g. fols. 5v, 6r etc.); red plain initials (e.g. fols. 59r, 68r etc.), blue plain initials (fols. 73x298r and 73x302v); partly coloured flourished initials (fols. 77r, 78r, and 82r); one modern flourished initial (fol. 43v); one zoomorphic "G" (dragon, fol. 71x1v); and an "I" in a red square decorated with leaves (fol. 999m - initial guard leaf). Some initials were originally left unwritten, see for example fols. 37rv, 51v, 52r, 53v (big space left for a decorated "L"), and ff. A later hand added some initials in the space left empty and tried to replicate the style of the initials written by the original decorator, see for example fols. 6v, 7r, 8r, 8v, 12v, 13r etc.

Condition of document

The manuscript is in quite good condition. On some pages the ink is blurred (probably due to some liquid dropped on the manuscript), see for example fol. 10r. Some folios have wrinkles (e.g. fols. 18r, 26r and 39r). Traces of ink corrosion on some staves (e.g. fols. 3rd stave on fol. 18r; 4th stave on fol. 20r). The external right corner of fol. 21 has been repaired by stitching. A small sheet of paper (with music) has been interpolated by a modern hand between fols. 36 and 37. A shred of paper was pasted at the top of fol. 49v, part of the original stave and notation were rewritten over the addition; at the bottom of the same page the text underneath the last stave is faded. Two sheets (fols. 71x1 and 71x2) were interpolated between fols. 71-72. A quire (6 folios) was added between fols. 73-74.

Page layout

Six staves per page. The folios measure 43 x 33 cm according to Alegria (1977).


Arabic numbering in black ink placed at the upper right corner of the recto. The foliation has been trimmed away in some folios, see for example fols. 43, 46, 49, 53 etc. A six-folio quire — originally belonging to another manuscript — was added between fols. 73-74, in the Kyriale section. These 6 folios show traces of their original numbering, starting from 298 to 303; they have been assigned in PEM a new numbering (from 073x298 to 073x303) to allow the maintenance of the order found in the MS. The two folios interpolated before the Gradual section have no original numbering and they are identified in the PEM image gallery as "999m_initial guard-leaf 5" and "999n_initial guard-leaf 6".


It is possible to identify several text scribes, see for example scribe A (see fol. 57r), scribe B (see fol. 59v), scribe C (fol. 64v), scribe D (fol. 64v), scribe E (fol. 75v). This book was not included in the RISM Catalogue of processionals, prepared by Michel Huglo, because it had been identified by Alegria (1977) as an antiphoner. The calendar omits the saints typical of Portuguese local devotion, but includes instead Ildephonsus, Isidore, Thomas of Aquinas, and commemorates the octave of Agnes. 


ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca Pública de Évora – Catálogo dos Fundos Musicais, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1977, pp. 185-186.

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