P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta P 714

P 714

P-G P 714

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
13th cent. (1st half)
The liturgical feast 'Octava Martini' of the chants on fol. A is written on fol. Ar (see the bottom of the left column). Chants on fol. B are usually sung in liturgical feasts related to St Martin in other manuscripts. Although it exists the possibility that these chants on fol. B were also sung for 'Octava Martini' or even for 'Martini', the liturgical feasts of fol. B were left 'indeterminate' because there is not exact correspondence between the liturgical order of the chants found on the fragment and those found in other sources (either for Octava Martini or other related liturgical feasts).
Description of the notation

Large size neumes. The axis of the notation is vertical. Custodes absent. The lozenge is used consistently either in isolation or as part of compound neumes. The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is clearly defined.

Several later-hand inscriptions on Av, Br and Bv.
Condition of document

Non-central bifolium used as book cover and now in very poor condition. Loss of contents due to 1) irregular trimming, 2) tears along the borders, 3) dirtiness, creases and stains. Fols. Bv and Ar are the external cover and their contents are almost unreadable. Two library stickers on fol. Ar.

Page layout

Two columns per page.

Description author/s
Completed on