Supplementary chants (from CANTUS database description: Supplemental, paraliturgical, rarely-used, or other chants that do not fit into the usual categories.)

Musical Items

Displaying 341 - 360 of 1032
Source Folio Incipit Feast Office Genre Cantus ID
P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1508 025r Ego propter te Chananaeorum reges percussi Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850195
102v Ego propter te Chananaeorum reges percussi Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850195
P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-008 153v Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum cum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850196
102r Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum cum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850196
P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1508 024r Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum cum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850196
052v Ego quidem confortatus sum a domino Petri et Pauli X V 006363za
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 134r-134v Ego sapientia habito in consiliis et Ad Processionem X A a01074
E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 103r Ego sum alpha et Ad Processionem X A 002589
024v Ego sum vitis vera et vos Comm. unius Confessoris TP X A 201517
102v Ego te exaltavi magna virtute et Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850197
P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1508 025r Ego te exaltavi magna virtute et Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850197
P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-008 157r Ego te exaltavi magna virtute et Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850197
P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-008 155v Ego te pavi manna per desertum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850198
102v Ego te pavi manna per desertum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850198
P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1508 024v Ego te pavi manna per desertum Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850198
102v Ego te potavi aqua salutis de Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850199
P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. D-008 156r Ego te potavi aqua salutis de Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850199
P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1508 025r Ego te potavi aqua salutis de Fer. 6 in Parasceve X VaHW 850199
019r Egressus Jesus secessit in partes Tyri Quadragesimae, dom. 2 X A 002620
028v Elegit dominus virum de plebe et Fabiani et Sebastiani X A 002628