
Cantus Index feast code

Used when the liturgical feast cannot be determined

Musical Items

Displaying 761 - 780 of 953
Source Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Diff db
Br 005 Oportet te fili gaudere quia frater undetermined MI Cm g00743

P-G N 080

Br 005 G[lor]ia p[atri] et undetermined T V 909000 *

P-BRad Pastas 085

Br 005 Cantemus domino gloriose enim honorificatus est undetermined M R 006270 ?

P-G N 024

Br 005 Lux perp[etu]a* undetermined A 003653 *
Br 005 alleluia alleluia (dominus) regnavit undetermined L A * * [2] * *

P-G P 627

Br 005 Addidit illis disciplinam et legem vite undetermined V 006460za ?

P-BRad Pastas 210

Br 005 Alleluia Laetamini in domino et exsultate undetermined MI Al g02329 ?

P-G P 714

Br 005 [...]ia e [...] undetermined M V 02 909000 ?

P-G P 714

Br 006 O [...] iste [...] (s) [...] undetermined [?] ?
Br 006 Tres pueri [...] in fornace missi sunt undetermined L A * 005179 8 g 118a
Br 006 Iste confessor * undetermined L H 008323 *


Br 006 Victricem manum tuam laudaverunt (pariter et) undetermined V 007592b 7

P-G P 627

Br 006 Du(m con)plerentur dies pentecostes undetermined A 002442 ?

P-G N 080

Br 006 Inclina cor* undetermined T [?] *

P-BRad Pastas 210

Br 006 Alleluia Isti sunt duae olivae et undetermined MI Al g02330 ?

P-G N 024

Br 006 Hoc signum crucis erit in celo [...] undetermined R ?

P-BRad Pastas 085

Br 006 Dominus quasi vir pugnator omnipotens nomen undetermined M V 006270b ?
Br 007 O[s] jus[ti medita]bitur * undetermined L W 008165
Br 007 Alleluya alleluya alleluya [...] undetermined [?] * *

P-G N 080

Br 007 Ego dixi (...) undetermined T [?] r