P-EVp (Évora) Biblioteca Pública Pasta 3, doc. 024

Pasta 3, doc. 024

P-EVp Pasta 3, doc. 024

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
13th century
Contents (feasts)
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

As far as the poor document conditions allow to inspect, lozenges seem to be used for descending chains of notes but not for semitone indication.


Initials in taller capitals with red ink


17th c. hand across Av - Br:

Fernão  [?]

Arcos [Estremoz]


Condition of document

Extremely poor: the right end of the right side of the bifolio (accounting for an entire column of text and music) and about two lines of text and music in the upper regions of both sides missing due to holes and tears; ink faded everywhere with contents ranging from barely readable to unreadable.

Page layout

Two columns per page. Right column of fol. Br and left column of Bv missing due to document being mutilated.


De Trinitate: complete agreement with the Évora printed breviary of 1528 (P-Ln RES. 253 P.) up until the conclusive Benedictus antiphon. From this point onward this fragment variously and inconsistently agrees with P-Br Ms 32 and the said breviary.

De Regum: the rather rare responsory verses 007372b and 007510b point to a decidedly Aquitanian and Iberian tradition (the former is a unicum in Portuguese sources as of Apr. '22).

Together with P-Br Ms 32 and P-Ln RES. 253 P., this source presents some minor textual variants apparently proper to Portugal to some degree. In order of appearance, see for example the responsory verse Trinitati luxthe antiphons O beata et benedicta and Rex autem David

Some divergences are still appreciable nonetheless: such is the case of the antiphon O gloriosa et beata (a possibly local antiphon particular to Iberia) which instead reads O gloriosa et benedicta in P-Ln RES. 253 P

Similarly small textual variants in other chants pertaining the Holy Trinity are documented that are  apparently local to Portugal: see for example P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (11), a fragment possibly produced in the area of Braga and roughly contemporary to the present one.


Finally, as of Oct. '22 the responsory verse 006239ze is only shared with Toledo 44.2 in the Cantus database.

Description author/s
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Musical Items