P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 281
P-Ln L.C. 281
- 8r-78v: Office and Mass for the Dead (beginning missing): 8r-62v Office with psalms and lessons, 63r-72: Mass with the Proper and the Ordinary chants; 72r-78v: Ordinary of the Mass with the sequence.
- 79r-109v: Masses for different celebrations, some copied in the 17th century (79r In festo sancti Ignatii episcopi et martyris [rubr. f. 78v], 81r In festo transfigurationis domini, 83v In festo sancti Francisci, 86v Missa votiva de angelis, 90v-94v Missa de passione domini nostri Jesu Christi qui dicitur etiam quinque plagarum corporis domini nostri Iesu Christi, (other hand:) 95r [Marian mass] Stabat iuxta crucem Iesu mater eius..., 102r [Marian mass], 102v Missae commemorationis solennis beatae virginis Mariae de Monte Carmello, 104v In festo sanctis(ssimi) nominis Jesu, 108r [Cordis domini], 109r-v Missa patr(is) s(ancti) Joseph).
Black square notation on five red lines. Semi-mensural notation for the invitatory and psalm 94 (f. 8r-12v).
Refined initials with filigrees and bird motifs sometimes enhanced with gold extended in the margin or black initials with vegetal motifs. Some painted folios (fols. 42r, 63r, 96r). The 17th-century parts contain painted initials.
Original inscription "Liber defunct(orum)" (glued on the back cover). "Este libro foy encadernado a 45 annos pelo P(adr)e Fr(ey) Joaquim de S(ant)a Anna Lisboa" (on the final guard-leaf).
Badly damaged. Some initials and some folios have been cut. Lacunae: f. 1-7, 17, 95 and 101.
Layout: 780 mm x 540 mm; textblock: 585 mm x 375 mm (fol. 49). One column with five lines (music with text).
Original red foliation on the top right of the folios.
Leather on boards.
Zuelma Chaves, "O Ofício de Defuntos – repertório musicado monódico, em fontes portuguesas, até c. 1700" (Diss. de Mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2017).