P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 1063 (79)
P-Cug MM 1063 (79)
This fragment contains portions of Maundy Thursday—the verse of the eighth responsory, the ninth lesson, and the ninth responsory of Matins; the antiphons and preces of Lauds (known as the Kyries tenebrarum); and the Lesser Hours and second Vespers—and Good Friday—the first antiphon of Matins, incomplete; and the fourth lesson from about its middle up to the first pericope of the ninth lesson including the corresponding responsories (ALVARENGA 2021, p. 44).
Red and blue initials; rubrics in red
Damaged. Exposed sides (fols. Ar, Br) almost completely unreadable; inner sides (Av, Bv) in better condition, only suffering from minor tears.
c. 430 x 290 mm; one column; 18 wl
ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', "Two Early Thirteenth-Century Fragments from Coimbra and Braga", Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia / Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 8/1 (2021), pp. 43-76
CORBIN, Solange, Essai sur la musique réligieuse portugaise au Moyen Age (1100-1385) (Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1952)
Inventário dos inéditos e impressos musicais: subsídios para um catálogo (Coimbra, Biblioteca da Universidade, 1937)