P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 1063 (79)

MM 1063 (79)

P-Cug MM 1063 (79)

Source type
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Document type
early 13th cent.

This fragment contains portions of Maundy Thursday—the verse of the eighth responsory, the ninth lesson, and the ninth responsory of Matins; the antiphons and preces of Lauds (known as the Kyries tenebrarum); and the Lesser Hours and second Vespers—and Good Friday—the first antiphon of Matins, incomplete; and the fourth lesson from about its middle up to the first pericope of the ninth lesson including the corresponding responsories (ALVARENGA 2021, p. 44).

Type of script
Description of the notation
Irregular semitone indication in the context of the Portuguese variety of Aquitanian notation.

Red and blue initials; rubrics in red

Ar, on top: "42" in pencil. Br, on top: "43" in pencil. This manuscript was once identified as fragment 42 (folio A) and fragment 43 (folio B) from the Secção de Música at the Biblioteca Geral Universitária.
Condition of document

Damaged. Exposed sides (fols. Ar, Br) almost completely unreadable; inner sides (Av, Bv) in better condition, only suffering from minor tears.

Page layout

c. 430 x 290 mm; one column; 18 wl

According to ALVARENGA (2021), the medieval use represented by the fragment—almost certainly that of Coimbra Cathedral— shares with Braga a common matrix (and hence their sharing of common core-texts), but their secondary elements and respective chant repertories had different origins, which contributed to shape two closely related yet distinct uses; the growing influence of Braga eventually submerged the characteristic Coimbra traits, some of which, however, survived in the use of Évora.

ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', "Two Early Thirteenth-Century Fragments from Coimbra and Braga", Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia / Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 8/1 (2021), pp. 43-76

CORBIN, Solange, Essai sur la musique réligieuse portugaise au Moyen Age (1100-1385) (Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1952)

Inventário dos inéditos e impressos musicais: subsídios para um catálogo (Coimbra, Biblioteca da Universidade, 1937)

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Musical Items

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