P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1509

C 1509

P-G C 1509

Source type
Document type
c. 1600 - c. 1800

ff. 1r-7v Missa votiva de Passione Domini nostri Jesu Christe, ff. 8r-12v Missa votiva de Beata Maria, ff. 13r-16v In Vigilia Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, ff. 17r-24v In Missa Votiva Nomine Jesu et beata Maria virgine, ff. 25r-30v De Beata Maria, ff. 31r-36v Pro defunctis. Sequentia, ff. 37r-41v Invitatorium quintus tonus, ff. 42r-44v Missa in festo Angeli Custodi Regni, ff. 45r-51r [start of Antiphoner section] In festo Sancti Joseph Sponsi Beatae Mariae Virginis, ff. 51v-53r In festo Sancti Torquati Episcopus et Martiris, ff. 53r-55v In festo Sancti Antonii Confessoris, ff. 55v-61r In festo Sancta Elisabeth Regina Portugaliae, ff. 61r-67v In festo Sancti Angeli Custodi Regni, f. 68 In festo Sancti Caetani Confessoris, ff. 69r-77r In festo Beatae Mariae de Monte Carmelo, f. 77 In festo Gaudiorum Beatae Mariae, ff. 78r-80v Cathedra Petri, ff. 80v-81v Conversio Pauli, ff. 81v-86r Petri et Pauli, ff. 86r-87v Vincula Petri, ff. 87v-96v In festo Septem Dolorum Beatae Mariae Virginis, ff. 97r-103v In festo Sanctissimi Nominis Jesu, ff. 104r-105r In festo Beatae Mariae de Monte Carmelo ex decretis 24 Septembris 1726, ff. 105v-106v In festo Sancti Josephi a Copertino, ff. 107r-108v In festo Sancti Joachim Confessoris et Patris Beatissimae Virginis

Type of script
Type of notation

Original decoration has initials in red, plain or simply decorated, and in black,
with decorations in the same colour; decorations in the later sections use
capitals and initials in red and/or blue, with filigrees in the same colours and

Condition of document

Good; some humidity and dirt.

Page layout

c. 325 x c. 469 mm, text arranged in one column with 6 lines with music and
text, column measure 229-232 x 385-389 (Folio 2r). c. 330 x c. 472, text
arranged in one column with 6 lines with music and text, column measure 233-
238 x 385-391 (Folio 51r).


Arabic numbering from 1 to 104; one guard-leaf in the beginning and two in the
end, all unnumbered; two index folios, unnumbered, before folio number 1;
four folios, unnumbered, after folio number 104.


Leather over boards.


The earlier layer of the book, from the early 17th century, which consists mainly of votive masses, goes from the first folio up to folio 44v; a later hand, from the 18th century, starts a new quire on folio 45r and goes up to folio 51r, first, free page of another quire; from folio 51v up to folio 87v the hand is from the late 17th century; from folio 87v up to folio 104v, the hand is from the 18th century; from the last four unnumbered folios before the end guarding-leafs, the first two are from the 19th century and the last two are among the original folios of the book.

d'ALMEIDA, Eduardo, «S. Torcato (algumas notas dispersas)», Revista de Guimarães, 33 (1923), pp. 261-327.
SOUVAY, Charles, «St. Joachim.» The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 4 Jun. 2012 .
Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items