P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 0149

C 0149

P-G C 0149

Source type
Document type
13th century
The two folios are consecutive: they contain the Masses for Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday and the initial antiphons for the Mandatum rite; it belonged to a section of chants for Holy Week. Very interesting are the three Antiphons on f. B verso, for Maundy Thursday. These Antiphons are not referred to in the Missal of Braga.
Type of script

Plain initials in magenta, red and brown. Display script in red. Text and notation in black. Neumes entered around a red line.

A marginal unreadable note on f. Ar right side. On B verso there is a library sticker with the numbers: 1722 and some more numerals deleted and now unreadable.
Condition of document

Bifolium slightly damaged. It was bound with a register book, which it still covers. There are wrinkles, folds, spots of humidity, small holes, pasted paper and effacements that make the reading difficult and cause loss of contents. Folio A is in better condition; in the upper part of B verso the ink is mostly vanished.


The original foliation is lost.


Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: The music in the manuscripts of Guimarães (12th – 17th centuries), Guimarães, Museu de Alberto Sampaio, 2012. ISBN 978-989-97732-1-9

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 22
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
Ar 001 In nomine Domini omne genu flectatur Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI In g00873 3
Ar 002 Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI InV g00873b 3
Ar 003 Ne avertas faciem tuam a puero Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI Gr g00874 2
Ar 004 Salvum me fac Deus quoniam intraverunt Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI GrV g00874a 2
Ar 005 Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI Tc g00876 2
Av 001 Ne avertas faciem tuam a me Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI TcV g00876a 2
Av 003 Quia defecerunt sicut fumus dies mei Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI TcV g00876c 2
Av 004 Percussus sum sicut fenum et aruit Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI TcV g00876d 2
Av 005 Tu exsurgens Domine misereberis Sion quia Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI TcV g00876e 2
Av 002 In quacumque die invocavero te velociter Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI TcV g00876b 2
Br 001 Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI Of g00882 1?
Br 002 Potum meum cum fletu temperabam quia Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. MI Cm g00883 2
Br 003 Nos autem* Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI In g00180 4
Br 004 Cantat* Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI InV g00180c ?
Br 005 Christus factus est pro nobis obediens Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI Gr 505005 6
Br 006 Propter quod et deus exaltavit illum Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI GrV 505005a 6
Bv 001 E[...] Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI Of ?
Bv 002 Dominus Jesus postquam cenavit cum discipulis Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI Cm g00920 2
Bv 003 Beati immaculati in via saeculorum amen Fer. 5 in Cena Dom. MI CmV g00920a 2
Bv 004 Vos vocatis me magister et domine Ad Mandatum A 005504.0 4?