E-Sco (Sevilla) Institución Colombina Libro 013

Libro 013

E-Sco Libro 013

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
16th century (first half, with revisions)
Type of script
Type of notation

Several capital letters, and folios 3v and 35v, richly illuminated in colour, including gold, with phytomorphic and zoomorphic motifs. Other capital letters are plain, using red and cyan. Initials in brown, decorated in the same colour, or with phytomorphic motifs, in green and sepia.

Condition of document



67 folios. Late-added Arabic numbering, from 1 to 67.


Leather over boards, painted with decorations in brown, with metal staples and locks.

Following the Tridentine reform, this manuscript has been updated in the last quarter of the 16th century. Following the humanistic principles then current and promoted by Trent, the melodies were slightly modified, although generally keeping the main design of the original versions, these ones still visible beneath the erasures and modifications. The setting of the liturgical elements was also forcibly modified; in this case, however, it is quite impossible to see the original layer. Therefore, for the entries "Tradition" and "Use" above, we indicate "Sevillian and Roman (post-Tridentine)". Front and back flyleaves are fragments from a Sanctoral antiphoner (16th century), the former containing the antiphon verse "Deus et pater domini nostri" and the beginning of the Benedictus antiphon "Celebremus conversionem", both chants for the office of Paul or Conversion of Paul, and the latter containing part of the antiphon "Sanctificavit dominus", for the office of the Dedication of a Church. There's a small leaf, glued to the back flyleaf, where an index of the codex was added at an uncertain date.

HIDALGO, Rosario Marchena, “La iluminación en Sevilla a lo largo del siglo XV”, Laboratorio de Arte, 20 (2007), pp. 9-30; Idem, Las miniaturas de los libros de coro de la Catedral de Sevilla: el siglo XVI, Sevilha: Universidad de Sevilla e Fundación Focus – Abengoa, 1998.

Description author/s
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Musical Items

Displaying 21 - 40 of 101
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
013r 001 Si diligis me Simon Petre pasce Cathedra Petri M R 1.2 007649 6
014r 001 Si oportuerit me mori tecum non Cathedra Petri M V 01 007649a 6
014r 002 Tu es Petrus et super hanc Cathedra Petri M R 1.3 007788 7
015v 001 Quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum Cathedra Petri M V 01 007788a 7
016v 001 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Cathedra Petri M V 02 909000 7
017r 001 Invocantem exaudivit dominus sanctum suum dominus Cathedra Petri M A 2.1 003399 2 D
017v 001 Laetentur omnes qui sperant in te Cathedra Petri M A 2.2 003570 8 G
018v 001 Domine dominus noster quam admirabile est Cathedra Petri M A 2.3 002344 1 A
019v 001 Elegit eum dominus* Cathedra Petri M W 2. 008047 *
019v 002 Tu es pastor ovium princeps apostolorum Cathedra Petri M R 2.1 007787 8
020v 001 Quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum Cathedra Petri M V 01 007787a 8
021v 001 Ego pro te rogavi Petre ut Cathedra Petri M R 2.2 006630 4
022v 001 Caro et sanguis non revelavit tibi Cathedra Petri M V 01 006630a 4
023v 001 Petre amas me tu scis domine Cathedra Petri M R 2.3 007382 4
024r 001 Simon Joannis diligis me plus his Cathedra Petri M V 01 007382a 4
024v 001 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Cathedra Petri M V 02 909000 4
025r 001 Domine iste sanctus habitabit in tabernaculo Cathedra Petri M A 3.1 002350 8 G
026r 001 Vitam petiit a te et tribuisti Cathedra Petri M A 3.2 005478 8 G
027r 001 Hic accipiet benedictionem a domino et Cathedra Petri M A 3.3 003047 7 A
028r 001 Tu es sacerdos* Cathedra Petri M W 3. 800442 *