
Displaying 251 - 300 of 517
Name Description Code Feast
Fer. 6 p. Ascensio.

Friday after Ascension

08066000 37
Fer. 6 p. Pascha

Easter Friday

08016000 60
Fer. 6 per annum

Fridays, Ferial Office

04006000 237
Fer. 6 post Cineres

Friday after Ash Wednesday

06036000 57
Fer. 6 Q.T. Septembris

Friday in the 17th week after Pentecost

09166000 5
Fest. per annum

For unspecified or miscellaneous ferial days throughout the year

04000000 99

Florus, Bishop of Lodève

14110400 5

Francis of Assisi

14100400 21
Francisci de Paola

Francis de Paola (also "de Paula") Confessor, founder of the Order of the Minims

14040220 7
Fructuosi Archiepiscopi Bracharensis

Fructuosus, Archbishop of Braga

14041610 11

Gabriel the Archangel

14031800 6

Genesius, Martyr

14082530 5

George, Martyr

14042300 33
Geraldi Archiepiscopi Bracharensis

Gerald (Girald), Archbishop of Braga

14120510 69
Geraldi Aureliaci

Gerald of Aurillac

14101300 19

Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre

14073100 5
Gervasii et Protasii

Gervase and Protase, Martyrs

14061900 31
Gordiani et Epimachi

Gordian and Epimachus, Martyrs

14051000 18

Gorgonius, Martyr

14090900 23

Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

14031200 87
Hebd. de Passione

5th week of Lent

07058000 23
Hebd. per annum

Weekdays, Ferial Office

04008000 8

Hermes, Martyr

14082830 7

Jerome, Doctor

14093000 32

Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Doctor

14011400 28

Hippolytus, Martyr

14081300 26
Hugonis Lincolniensis

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

14111740 2

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr

14020110 17

Ildephonsus, Archbishop of Toledo

14012301 8
In Dedicatione Ecclesiae

Dedication of a Church

12008000 298
In Letaniis

General, Rogation Days

08068010 5
In Letaniis maj.

The greater litany; The Major Rogation

08042500 1
In tempore Adventus

General, in Advent

01000000 10
In tempore belli contra Sarracenos

For a time of war against the Saracens

16021000 2
In tempore Epiph.

General, after Epiphany

05000000 1
In tempore Nat.

General, in Christmastide

03000000 34
In tempore oritur inter Christianos

For a time of an uprising among Christians

16022000 2
In tempore Paschae

General, Eastertide

08000000 1
In tempore pestilentiae

For a time of pestilence

16018000 2
In tempore Quadragesimae

General, in Lent

07000000 25
In Triduum

General, during the Triduum

07069000 8
Inventio Crucis

Finding of the Cross

14050300 225

James the Greater, Apostle

14072500 165
Jacobi, transl.

Moving of relics of James the Greater

14123020 5

Joachim, the father of Mary

14032010 5
Joannis Baptistae

John the Baptist

14062400 270
Joannis Baptistae, infra oct.

In the week after John the Baptist

14062408 17
Joannis Baptistae, oct.

Octave of John the Baptist

14070100 2
Joannis Baptistae., vig.

Eve of John the Baptist

14062300 171
Joannis Chrysostomi

John Chrysostom, Doctor

14012700 14