
Displaying 351 - 400 of 517
Name Description Code Feast
Nativitas Domini

Christmas Day

02122500 617
Nativitas Domini, infra oct.

In week after Christmas

02122508 34
Nativitas Domini, vig.

Christmas Eve

02122400 282
Nativitas Mariae

Birthday of Mary

14090800 214
Nativitas Mariae, infra oct.

In week after Birthday of Mary

14090808 28
Nazarii et Celsi

Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs

14072800 6
Nerei, Achillei

Nereus and Achilleus, Roman Martyrs

14051240 1

Nicholas of Bari, Bishop of Myra

14120600 133

Nicomedes, Martyr

14091530 27
Nicomedis et Valeriani

Nicomedes and Valerianus, Martyrs

14091540 6
Nominis Jesu

The Holy Name of Jesus

14011430 1
Om. Sanctorum, vig.

Eve of All Saints' Day

14103120 29
Omnium Sanctorum

All Saints' Day

14110100 286
Omnium Sanctorum, infra oct.

In week after All Saints' Day

14110108 1
Pancratii et sociorum

Pancratius (Pancras) and companions, Martyrs

14051210 15
Pas., hebd. 4

4th week after Easter

08048000 10
Pasc., hebd. 2

2nd week after Easter

08028000 20
Pasc., hebd. 2, fer. 2

Monday, 2nd week after Easter

08022000 37
Pasc., hebd. 2, fer. 3

Tuesday, 2nd week after Easter

08023000 8
Pasc., hebd. 2, fer. 4

Wednesday, 2nd week after Easter

08024000 11
Pasc., hebd. 2, fer. 5

Thursday, 2nd week after Easter

08025000 6
Pasc., hebd. 2, fer. 6

Friday, 2nd week after Easter

08026000 8
Pasc., hebd. 2, sabbato

Saturday, 2nd week after Easter

08027000 9
Pasc., hebd. 3

3rd week after Easter

08038000 13
Pasc., hebd. 3, sabbato

Saturday, 3rd week after Easter

08037000 6
Pasc., hebd. 4, fer. 2

Monday, 4th week after Easter

08042000 7
Pasc., hebd. 4, fer. 4

Wednesday, 4th week after Easter

08044000 7
Pasc., hebd. 4, fer. 6

Friday, 4th week after Easter

08046000 7
Pasc., hebd. 5

5th week after Easter

08058000 10

Paula, Widow

14012610 12

Paul, Apostle

14063000 240
Pauli Heremitae

Paul the Hermit

14011010 5
Pauli, conversio

Conversion of Paul

14012500 321
Pauli, infra oct.

In the week after Paul

14063008 1
Pent., fer. 2

Pentecost Monday

08082000 80
Pent., fer. 3

Pentecost Tuesday

08083000 78
Pent., fer. 4

Pentecost Wednesday

08084000 44
Pent., fer. 4 Q.T.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Wednesday)

08084009 29
Pent., fer. 5

Pentecost Thursday

08085000 36
Pent., fer. 6

Pentecost Friday

08086000 33
Pent., Fer. 6 Q.T.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Friday)

08086009 27
Pent., sabbato

Pentecost Saturday

08087000 50
Pent., sabbato Q.T.

Ember Day, Pentecost (Saturday)

08087009 60
Pent., vig.

Eve of Pentecost

08077000 102

Pentecost Sunday (also "Whitsunday")

08081000 287

Peter, Apostle

14062910 36
Petri de Rates

Peter de Rates, reputed first Bishop of Braga

14042610 25
Petri et Pauli

Peter and Paul, Apostles

14062900 258
Petri et Pauli, oct.

Octave of Peter and Paul

14070600 9
Petri, mart.

Peter the Martyr, dominican Friar and Priest

14042900 10