Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli eius

Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli eius laudate eum omnes uirtutes eius
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Interesting to have Bfa notated in the mode of Elami (which goes against for instance to what Master Mateus de Aranda taught). The modal diapente therefore never appears, nor does the diathesaron; the second below the finalis is a common exception that is not enough to characterize the mode as plagal (imperfect indistinct mode of Elami).
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Cantus Database
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Portuguese Early Music Database
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Fontes Cantus Bohemiae
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Cantus Planus in Slovacia
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Cantus Planus in Polonia
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Spanish Early Music Manuscripts
12 chant(s)
Medieval Music Manuscripts Online
143 chant(s)
Austrian Mediaeval Monastic Music Manuscripts Database
2 chant(s)
A-Gu : Ms 0807033rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
A-KN : Cod 0073015rAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588027rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 4 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
A-KN : Cod 0588115rAlleluia Laudate *AlSabb.p.Oct.Cor.Chri.ImageMMMO
A-KN CCl. 26 Graduale (Fragm.) 3r (IIr 1r)Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlVDom. 4 p. Epiph.ImageA4M
A-KN CCl. 92 Graduale (Fragm.)1r (I*r)Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 4 p. Epiph.ImageA4M
B-Br : II 3823020rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3. p. Nat.4ImageMMMO
B-Br : Ms 10127-44094rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus *AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
B-Br : Ms 10127-44110rAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejus *AlDed. basilicae Archangeli MichaelisImageMMMO
CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0021 (fragment)001vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.?CD
CH-E 121057Alleluia Laudate deum*MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.*ImageCD
CH-E 121302Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli MIAlDed.Mont.S.Michaelis?ImageCD
CH-P 18052Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageCD
CH-ROM : Ms. liturg. FiD 5011rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 3. p. Nat.ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0338083Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli eius AlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0338247Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlMichaelisImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0339052Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0339141Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlMichaelisImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0340069Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0340167Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDed. basilicae Archangeli Michaelis4ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342131Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0342236Alleluia Laudate deum *AlMichaelisImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343047Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0343209Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDe AngelisImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374027Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDie 2 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 0374149Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlVigilia MichaelisImageMMMO
CH-SGs : Cod 037554Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
CH-SGv : VadSlg Ms 0295010vAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
CH-SGv : VadSlg Ms 0295087vAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlImageMMMO
CZ-Bm (Brno) A 7115009rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes *MASSAlDe AngelisFCB
CZ-Pak (Praha) P VII060vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4FCB
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12071rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.FCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) XIII A 5c054rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 1 p. Epiph.,8FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396019vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.FCB
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418002rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.FCB
D-B : Ms mus 40078033rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 0060012vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3. p. Nat.ImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 006012vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3. p. Nat.ImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 006060vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus*MASSAlDed.Mont.S.MichaelisImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 007011vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 008011rAlleluia Laudate deum*AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 008047vAlleluia Laudate deum*AlMichaelisImageMMMO
D-BAa : Msc Lit 008056vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlImageMMMO
D-DS : Hs 0545013rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-DS : Hs 1946052rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.,8ImageMMMO
D-HEu : Cod. Sal. X,007016rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-KNd : Ms 1001b032rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale032rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale274vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDe AngelisImageMMMO
D-Kl : Theol. quart 0015025vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-LEu : Ms Thomas 391029rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ob = 4ImageMMMO
D-LEu : Ms Thomas 391122vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus *AlMichaelisImageMMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 02541017vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4 TrpImageMMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 03005015rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 1 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 03005168RAlleluia Laudate deum *AlSabbato Pent.ImageMMMO
D-Mbs : Clm 14965b053raAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli *MASSAl4ImageMMMO
D-Sl : HB I 246034rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.,84TrpImageMMMO
D-TRp : Hs 0187021rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
D-W : Cod Guelf Helmst 1008033vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 1147019vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 648014vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 784030vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 889018rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 889122vAlleluia Laudate deumAlMichaelis4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 1805109vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 3180021vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.6SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 3180165rAlleluia Laudate deumAlMichaelis6SEMM
E-Mh E-Mh, Cód. 18b029Alleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Mh E-Mh, Cód. 18b285vAlleluia Laudate*AlMichaelisSEMM
E-Mh E-Mh, Cód. 45001rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4SEMM
E-Mn Mss/1361017rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.,84SEMM
F-AI : Ms 0044009rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli*MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-AI : Ms 0044040vAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejus*MASSAlDed. basilicae Archangeli MichaelisImageMMMO
F-AI : Ms 0044053vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlImageMMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091067rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 3. p. Nat.ImageMMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091166rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 6 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-AN : Ms 0091225rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes*AlCosmae, DamianiImageMMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0010 (8*)051rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-AUT : Ms S 0012 (11)018vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-CA 38128vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli RAlFer. 5 p. PaschaCD
F-CA : Ms 0060 (61)011rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-CA : Ms 0060 (61)046rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus V2AlFer. 4 p. PaschaImageMMMO
F-CA : Ms 0061 (62)024vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-CA : Ms 0061 (62)120vAlleluia Laudate deum *AlVigilia MichaelisImageMMMO
F-CA : Ms 0075 (76)046rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-CA : Ms 0078 (79)090vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. per annumImageMMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40)009vAlleluia Laudate deum*MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40)038rAlleluia Laudate deum*MASSAlFer. 4 Pent.ImageMMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40)049rAlleluia Laudate deum*MASSAlDom. 6 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40)054rAlle[luia] Laudate deum omnes angeli MASSAlImageMMMO
F-CHRm : Ms 0047 (40)057rAlleluia La[udate deum]*MASSAlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-CO : Ms 0444 (217)034vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlSabbato Pent.ImageMMMO
F-CO : Ms 0444 (217)182rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 16 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-CO : Ms 0444 (217)228vAlleluia Laudate deum [omnes angeli ejus AlDe AngelisImageMMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud008rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud034rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDed.Mont.S.MichaelisImageMMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud040vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes*MASSAlDom. 16 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud047rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlImageMMMO
F-G : Ms 0084 (Ms. 395 Rés.)097rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-G : Ms 0084 (Ms. 395 Rés.)129rAlleluia Laudate deum *AlDom. 2 p. PaschaImageMMMO
F-G : Ms 0084 (Ms. 395 Rés.)147rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0118A05v (003v)Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0236020rAlleluia Laudate deum *AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0236176vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239073rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus*AlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0239084vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-LA : Ms 0240026rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TrpImageMMMO
F-LG : Ms 0002 (17)052vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.,84ImageMMMO
F-LM : Ms 811001vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli*AlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004016rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-NS : Ms 0004075rAlleluia Laudate deum*AlSabbato Pent.ImageMMMO
F-O : Ms 121022rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli eius MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-PR : Ms 0012035rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0135025vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197013vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pa : Ms 0197139rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MAlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-Pm : Ms 0384016vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1087014vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1121212rAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 11320019rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1134042rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1135105rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 1136077vAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus AlImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12050004vAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12050014rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli* | REQUIRE MASSAlDed.Mont.S.MichaelisImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 12584132rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 13252082vAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307030rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17307109vAlleluia Alleluia Laudate deum omnes *AlSabbato SanctoImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17436006vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 17436025rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes *AlImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 18010005vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 2291009v | c2Alleluia Laudate deum omnes*AlDie 2 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 2291014r | c1Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli*AlDed.Mont.S.MichaelisImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 2291014v | c4Alleluia Laudate deum omnes*AlDom. 16 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780016vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 780119vAlleluia Laudate *AlPro sponso et sponsaImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 833017rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 1 p. Epiph.,8ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 903018rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 904035rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 909193rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 943622vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9439027rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 1 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9439027rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9439136rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 6 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : Lat. 9449020vAlleluia Laudate deum*MASSAlDie 2 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235027vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235106rAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejus AlMichaelisImageMMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01414012rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 1 p. Epiph.,84ImageMMMO
F-SOM : Ms 0252026rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDie 2 p. EpiphaniamImageMMMO
F-Togs : Ms 001046vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
F-Togs : Ms 001299rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 16 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
F-VN : Ms 0759024rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
GB-Dru : Cosin V.V.6038vAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18031054rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.6ImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Additional 18032200vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli *MASSAlDe AngelisImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857007vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857049rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlMichaelisImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857056rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes *AlDom. 23 p. Pent.ImageMMMO
GB-Lbl : Harley 4951144vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
I-BGc : MA 239 (Gamma III.18)016vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
I-BV : 34168vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlMichaelis4ImageMMMO
NL-Uu : Hs. 0062030vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 3 p. Epiph.4ImageMMMO
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415027vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 3 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
P-AR Res. Ms. 016019rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli eiusMIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4?ImagePEM
P-BRad Pastas 006rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-BRad Pastas 015025Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.?ImagePEM
P-BRad Pastas 023BrAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 034025Alleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejusMIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-Cuc Gradual Capela S. Miguel027vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejusMIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-Gmas LC 003038rAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejusMIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-Ln Iluminado 084039rAlleluia Laudate Deum omnes Angeli ejus MIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
P-VV A.M. D-007027rAlleluia Laudate dominum omnes angeli ejusMIAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImagePEM
PL-Kl RL 1033vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageCPL
PL-SAk 40008vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 3 p. Epiph.4ImageCPL
PL-WRu I F 411013rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TImageCPL
PL-WRu I F 413014vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TImageCPL
PL-WRu I F 414010vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TImageCPL
PL-WRu I F 416018rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TImageCPL
PL-Wn Rps 12496 IV010rAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4TImageCPL
PL-Wn Rps 12496 IV069vAlleluia Laudate deum*MASSAllAppar. Michaelis*ImageCPL
PL-Wn rps 12722 V035vAlleluia Laudate deum omnesMASSAllDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageCPL
Reconstitution : Sacramentaire de Tours (TU1)025r (T 025r)Alleluia Laudate deum*AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
SK-BRnm MUS I 78039vAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.4ImageCSK
SK-BRsa SNA 67021rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageCSK
SK-Bra BMI EC Lad.3 EL18022vbAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageCSK
SK-Bra BMI EC Lad.3 EL18301raAlleluia Laudate deum omnes*MASSAlDe AngelisImageCSK
SK-KE (Kežmarok) sign. 30055001v[Alleluia] Laudate deum om[nes angeli MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageCSK
SK-KOs GR 6286 PA001rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageCSK
US-Baw : W.0011027rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
V-CVbav : Ross.0076023rAlleluia Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus AlDom. 2 p. Epiph.ImageMMMO
V-CVbav : Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus MASSAlMichaelisImageMMMO