E-Sco (Sevilla) Institución Colombina Libro 063

Libro 063

E-Sco Libro 063

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
16th century (1st half)
Type of script
Type of notation

Richly illuminated manuscript, in several colours, including gold, with phytomorphic, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motifs. Capital letters in this decorative style. Initials are in brown, with that same decorative style, although more modest. Folios 1v and 38r have capital letters with depictions of the Nativity scene.

Condition of document



49 folios. Lately added arabic numbering.


Leather over boards, painted with decorations in brown, with metal staples and locks.

This manuscript has been updated in the last quarter of the 16th century according to the Tridentine reform. Following the humanistic principles promoted by Trent, the melodies were slightly modified, although generally keeping the main design of the original versions, still visible beneath the erasures and modifications. The setting of the liturgical elements was also forcibly modified; in this case, however, it is quite impossible to see the original layer. Therefore, for the entry "Use" above, we indicate "Roman (post-Tridentine)", and in "Tradition", "Seville (modified according to Roman use)". Front paste-down consists of two fragmentary bifolia from a noted Breviary (15th century), with the Office of the Nativity of Mary. Rear paste-down consists of a fragment, from a Gradual (16th century), with part of the 2nd mode Alleluia "Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis".

HIDALGO, Rosario Marchena, “La iluminación en Sevilla a lo largo del siglo XV”, Laboratorio de Arte, 20 (2007), pp. 9-30; Idem, Las miniaturas de los libros de coro de la Catedral de Sevilla: el siglo XVI, Sevilha: Universidad de Sevilla e Fundación Focus – Abengoa, 1998.

Description author/s
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Musical Items

Displaying 21 - 40 of 54
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
018r 002 Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis dominum Sexag., fer. 5 M R 2.1 006322 7
019v 001 Beatam me dicent omnes generationes quia Sexag., fer. 5 M V 01 006322b 7
020v 001 Confirmatum est cor virginis in quo Sexag., fer. 5 M R 2.2 006314 1
023r 001 Domus pudici pectoris templum repente fit Sexag., fer. 5 M V 01 006314a 1
024v 001 Benedicta et venerabilis es virgo Maria Sexag., fer. 5 M R 2.3 006167 2
026r 001 Domine audivi auditum tuum et timui Sexag., fer. 5 M V 01 006167a 2
027r 001 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Sexag., fer. 5 M V 02 909000 2
028r 001 In principio et ante saecula deus Sexag., fer. 5 M A 3.1 003273 8 G
028v 001 Ante luciferum genitus et ante saecula Sexag., fer. 5 M A 3.2 001435 2 D
029v 001 Nato domino angelorum chorus canebat dicens Sexag., fer. 5 M A 3.3 003854 8 G
030v 001 Notum fecit dominus alleluia R. Salutare Sexag., fer. 5 M W 3. 008153.1 *
031r 001 Sancta et immaculata virginitas quibus te Sexag., fer. 5 M R 3.1 007569 2
032v 001 Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus Sexag., fer. 5 M V 01 007569a 2
034r 001 Nesciens mater virgo virum peperit sine Sexag., fer. 5 M R 3.2 007212 7
035v 001 Domus pudici pectoris templum repente fit Sexag., fer. 5 M V 01 007212c 7
037r 001 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui Sexag., fer. 5 M V 02 909000 7
038r 001 Te deum laudamus* Sexag., fer. 5 M [M] 909010 *
038r 002 O admirabile commercium creator generis humani Sexag., fer. 5 L A 1 003985 6 F
040r 001 Quando natus est ineffabiliter ex virgine Sexag., fer. 5 L A 2 004441 3 A
041v 001 Rubum quem viderat Moyses incombustum conservatam Sexag., fer. 5 L A 3 004669 4 E