P-EVc (Évora) Arquivo da Sé Cod.Perg. Lit. ?3 (F25 cota provisória)

Cod.Perg. Lit. ?3 (F25 cota provisória)

P-EVc Cod.Perg. Lit. ?3

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
17th century
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Square notation on five red lines.


Red and blue initials with filigree. Black cadel initials. Some zoomorphic initials (p.e. fols. 16v; 49v) and phitomorphic initials (p.e. fols. 29r; 37v; 46v). Flower decoration on fol. 106v.

Condition of document

Good. This is a composite manuscript with some later additions and a Kyriale at the end.

Page layout

Full page


Original roman numbering in red ink placed at the top right of the folios, from fol. 2 to fol. 106. A later Arabic numbering in black ink was added at the top right of the folios, from fol. 6 to fol. 106, but the later numbering was occasionally trimmed. Starting from fol. 107, only some folios bear Arabic numbering.


This book is located at 'Torre dos Azulejos'.

Images corresponding to the ff. 14v-15r and 53v-54r are missing.

Description author/s
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