P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 032

Res. Ms. 032

P-AR Res. Ms. 032

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
9 Alleluias, 2 Antiphons, 4 Benedicamus Domino, 8 Canticles, 3 Hymns, 1 Litany, 3 Masses, 1 Planctus, 6 Psalms, 1 Preces, 3 Versicles (= 41)
Type of script
Type of notation

Initials with simple decorative designs


Latin voice names in some of the items until fol. 60r. A number of pieces have marginal notes on performance issues including transposition, and the position and number of fingers on the bassoon (baixão) and, presumedly, the viol; see the musical items. On the guard-leaf: "o primeiro salmo [illegible] sin pres[ / o segu(n)do salmo [illegible] / o terçeiro como o primeiro / o quarto como o segu(n)do"

Condition of document

Some folios show signs of exposure to humidity (guard-leaf and fols. 1v-16r); torn folios (guard-leaf and fol. 1r); ink corrosion in the second half of the book (especially between fols. 62v-87v)

Page layout

Choirbook format, 358 X 245 mm


i + 103 + i. The number sequence is complete, although there are signs of torn folios in the two final gatherings


14 gatherings: a8 (fols. 1r-8v); b8 (fols. 9r-16v); c8 (fols. 17r-24v); d8 (fols. 25r-32v); e8 (fols. 33r-40v); f8 (fols. 41r-48v); g6 (fols. 49r-54v); h6 (fols. 55r–60v); i8 (fols. 61r-68v); j8 (fols. 69r-76v); k6 (fols. 77r-82v); l8 (-1) (fols. 83r-89v); m6 (-1+2) (fols. 90r-96v); n8 (-1) (fols. 97r-103r)


Four watermarks: 1) Trefoil/ellipse/bifoil [guard-leaf]~Gravell SPH.007.01, Heawood 3839, 3840, Melo n.º 114 and n.º 121; 2) Fleur-de-lis/crown [f. 4r]~Heawood 1627, 1629; 3) “Pilgrim” [fol. 68r]~P-Cug MM 8, MM 26, P-Ln LC 57 (Rees 1995, pp. 387, 396, 437); 4) trefoil/ellipse/bifoil/letters [added bifolium, fols. 92A-93A]~Heawood 3809, Melo n.º 117


Covers of light brown skiver


The book is clearly divided in two parts: the first (fols. 1-60), carefully written and with a concern for clarity and coherence of contents, always by the same scribe; the second (fols. 61-103), written at a later date, clearly with much less concern with visual presentation and handwriting; it is possible to find three more hands, different from the one in the first section: one on fols. 61v-80r and 98v-103r; a second one on fols. 81v-87r; and a third one on fols. 87v-98r. Folios 75v-76r consist of four part-book format folios for each of the four voice parts pasted onto the existing folios. These are richly decorated: initials in red with elaborate filigree designs; drawings of several motifs of Nature are drawn in the heading of each voice (flowers in the superius primus and tenor, a bird in the altus). Blank folios: 1r, 60v-61r, 63v-64r, 71v-74r, 78r, 80v-81r, 89r, 92Ar, 93Av, 103v The book was restored in 2018. The photographs in the image gallery show it in its previous condition.


FREITAS, Frederico de, 'Os livros de música do Museu de Arouca', Novidades, suplemento Letras e Artes (26 de Setembro, 1948)

RIBEIRO, Mário de Sampaio, 'Sete "Alleluias" inéditos', in Sete "Alleluias" inéditos (dum códice do Mosteiro de Arouca), ed. Mauro M. Fábregas, sep. Liturgia (Negrelos, 1949-50), pp. 5-11.

STEVENSON, Robert, 'Some Portuguese Sources for Early Brazilian Music History', Yearbook of the Inter-American Institute for Musical Research, 4 (1968), pp. 1-43.

STEVENSON, Robert, Latin American Colonial Music Anthology (Washington, General Secretariat - Organization of American States, 1975).

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro (ed.), Antologia de Música em Portugal na Idade Média e no Renascimento, 2 vols. (Lisboa, Arte das Musas - CESEM, 2008).

ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', 'Manuscript Évora, Biblioteca Pública, Cód. CLI/1-3: Its Origin and Contents, and the Stemmata of Late-Sixteenth- and Early-Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Sources', Anuario Musical, 66 (2011), pp. 137-58 

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro, and FORTU, Mara, 'A música antiga nos manuscritos de Arouca: contribuição para um catálogo', in O órgão do Mosteiro de Arouca: conservação e restauro do património musical, coord. Ângela Melo (Vila Real - Arouca, Direcção Geral de Cultura do Norte, 2009), pp. 40-5

CARVALHO, Ana Sá, 'O códice polifónico de Arouca: Estudo e transcrição', 2 vols. (Tese de mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012)

CARVALHO, Ana Sá, 'O códice polifónico de Arouca', Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 2/1 (2015), pp. 61-78

NELSON, Bernadette, 'Morales's Magnificats in Portugal and Some Anonymous Settings in Portuguese Sources: Questions of Style and Authorship', Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 2/2 (2015), pp. 193-214




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