P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 0248

MM 0248

P-Cug MM 0248

Source type
Document type
16th century
Series of Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei; 1r - In duplicibus mayoribus; 7v - In festivitatibus minoribus duplicibus; 15r - In festivitatibus mayoribus semiduplicibus; 21r - In Honore angelorum; 28r - In festivitatibus minoribus semiduplicibus; 35r - In diebus dominicis; 41v - In dominicis adventis et quadragesime; 42v - In festis mayoribus simplicibus; 49r - In festis minoribus simplicibus; 55r - In diebus ferialibus; 57v - In agenda mortuorum; 61r - In festivitatibus Sancte Mariae Virgine et in conceptione eius et in diebus sabbathis; Series of Credo; 68r - Sequens symbolum dicitur in magnis festivitatibus totius anni; 74v- Sequens symbolum cantate in diebus solemnibus et in festis angelorum; 80r - Sequens symbolum cum suo cantu dicitur in festis; 86r - Sequens symbolum cantatur in diebus dominicis totius anni quando non sit aliquod festivitatibus duplex.
Type of notation

Black and red capitals with simple design. Red plain capitals with blue decoration.

Condition of document

Good. Ink faded on some folios (e.g. 13v). All the folios were trimmed at the top, occasionally with loss of contents (each page has a rubric at the top, which is often reduced to half of its original size because of the trimming). The number of staves per page is consistent through all the manuscript (6), however, it is possible to argue that a more modern hand replaced the original first 5 folios and rewrote them. Possibly, the same hand wrote folio 15rv. The main difference between the modern hand and the rest of the manuscript consists in the design of the main initials (beginning of the chants) and the clefs.


Foliations are placed at the top right corner of the recto of each folio. There is one modern foliation written by pencil and all the references here are given to the modern foliation. A foliation in Arabic numerals can be found on folios 2 and 3. Foliation in red ink in Roman numerals can be found from folio 6 and it continues to the end of the manuscript with the exception of folio 8 where the foliation is provided in Roman numerals in black ink.

Description author/s
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