E-ZAahp Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zamora 196


E-ZAahp Perg. Mus. 196

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
12th century (2nd half)
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Aquitanian notation with signs indicating semitone placement. Page ruling lines used to orient the notation. Notation written in black ink.

Red or black initials; black initials may have red decoration. Red or black rubric abbreviation letters, particularly 'a' and 'v', may have ornamentation.

When in use as a book cover, details were added about the bound book including the notary's name, Antonio de Sotomayor, and the year of the document collection, 1563. See Av-Br. Two earlier inscriptions probably relating to the liturgical content are visible in the top right margin of Ar. On Br the archive's stamp with pencilled siglum PM 196 identifies the parchment fragment.
Condition of document

Damage resulted from use as the cover for a book of sixteenth-century documents. The exposed outer sides and edges of the binding show most wear.

Page layout

Folios measure approximately 275 x 400 mm. Two columns per page, 39 lines. Column height and width: approx. 310 x 100 mm.



This fragment is one of a group of three that appear to have once belonged to a single source. The fragments are E-ZAahp 196, 199 and 200. Each is a bifolium. This group of fragments is referred to as 'Book A' or 'Zamora A' in Nelson (1996 and 2004-05). Fragments 196 and 199 must have belonged to the same gathering, in which bifolium 196 was placed immediately above bifolium199: the content of side Av of 199 continues on196 side Ar, and 196 Bv continues on 199 Br. The centre of the gathering is lost. Each of these fragments was re-used as a book cover in the binding of protocol documents from the town of Toro dating from mid-sixteenth century. The protocol books are now part of the collection of the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zamora. Information about the protocol books was written on the outside of their parchment binding, particularly on the spine and front cover of the books. The sides which faced outwards naturally suffered the most damage, while the inward facing sides are in generally good condition. The pictures were supplied on request by the Archive.
NELSON, Kathleen E., Medieval Liturgical Music of Zamora, Ottawa: Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1996. NELSON, Kathleen E., 'Semitone Indication in a Twelfth-Century Source of Aquitanian Notation in Zamora', Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 14–15 (2004-2005), pp. 7–24.
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