Musical Items

Displaying 28481 - 28500 of 40566
Source Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Composer

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200r 012 Gloria* N V 02 909000 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200r 013 Sicut myrrha electa odorem dedisti R N W 008197 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200r 014 Ave Maria gratia plena dominus tecum V2 A 001539 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200r 015 Ave maris stella dei mater alma V2 H 008272 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200r 016 Beatam me dicent* V2 W 800039 *

P-EVpc 000

200r-200v 003 In tempore illo consurget Michael qui Michaelis M R M R 9 006942

E-SAu Ms 2637

200r-200v 006 Sancte Martine qui in caelis laetaberis Martini, transl. MI Al g02716

P-BRad MS 964

200r–200v 003 [Verso do 4o. tom] Instr Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues

E-SAu Ms 2637

200v 001 Veritas mea* Martini, transl. MI Of g01278 *

P-EVpc 000

200v 001 In tempore illo salvabitur populus tuus Michaelis M V M V 9 006942a

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200v 001 Virgo Maria non est tibi similis V2 A M 005453.1 *

P-BRs Ms. 032

200v 001 Destruxit quidem claustra inferni et subuertit Sabbato Sancto M V 01 007509b 8

P-BRad Pastas 150

200v 001 Judicant sancti* Chrysanthi et Dariae MI In *

P-BRs Ms. 028

200v 001 Hoc domine ad laudem et gloriam Clementis M V 01 006402a 6

P-BRs Ms. 028

200v 002 Orante sancto Clemente apparuit ei agnus Clementis L A 1 004180 7 C

P-BRad MS 964

200v 002 [Verso do 4o. tom] Instr Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues

E-SAu Ms 2637

200v 002 Fidelis servus* Martini, transl. MI Cm g00318

P-BRs Ms. 032

200v 002 O vos omnes qui transitis per Sabbato Sancto M R 2.2 007303 8

P-BRad Pastas 150

200v 002 Vindica Domine* Chrysanthi et Dariae X Gr *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

200v 002 Dignare me laudare te virgo sacrata C A 002217 *