P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 256

L.C. 256

P-Ln L.C. 256

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
mid 15th century (before 1470)
The main book is an antiphoner (from Palm Sunday to Saturday after Ascension Day), the beginning and end of which are missing. It has several important lacunae. Folio 92 must be read before folio 90. The manuscript contains many signs of alterations which show that it was still in use in the 18th century (date inscribed on f. 8v). The initial and final guard leafs are folios taken from the same Hieronymite antiphoner without musical notation. Initial leafs contain the feast of the Conception of the Virgin and the final leafs contain the feast of the Descensio of the Virgin.
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Square notation on five red lines.

Red and blue initials with filigree.
Elaborated marginal decoration with flowers (f. 8v).
Capital letter with gold (ff. 58r and 103r).

f. 8v: Inscription from Fr. Vincentius concerning the simplification he made to chants of the office for Holy Week in 1735.
Condition of document


Page layout

335 mm x 230 mm for the limit lines.


Original foliotation on the bottom right. Another foliotation taking into consideration the current state of the manuscript and the initial guard leafs is written on the top right. One folio, 107bis, was added in the 18th century.

Lacunae (using the newer notation): f. 5-6 (6 folios missing), f. 6-7 (7 folios missing), f. 7-8 (3 folios), f. 70 and 71 (1 folio), f. 75-76 (1 folio), f. 77-78 (1 folio), f. 79-80 (3 folios), f. 84-90 (several folios), f. 90-92 (to be read in reverse order) (undetermined number of folio).


leather over boards

This antiphoner was most likely used at the Monastery of St Jerome in Penha Longa, near Sintra.
Description author/s
Project ID