P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 006

MM 006

P-Cug MM 0006

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
mid 16th century [c.1540-c.1555]

Polyphony: Alleluia (1), Benedicamus domino (2), Canticles (4), Credo (1), Fabordão (1) Marian antiphons (3+1 frag.), Mass (1), Mass propers (2), Psalms (7) (=22) Chant: Alleluias (7), Tract (1), Introits (3), Communions (2) (=13) Unidentified fragments (3)

Type of script
Type of notation

Calligraphic or pen-work initials on fols 006r, 013v-014v, 16v (in red, tenor part), 021v-022r (alternating black and red), 025v (in red, tenor part), 026v (in red, tenor part), 040v, 042r (altus part), 042v (cantus part), 043v-044r, 045v, 049v, 051v, 053v-055r, 060v, 087r, 087v-088r, 088v (in red), 089v-091v; banderole initials on fols 028v-029r; small zoomorphic initial on fol. 007v (tenor part)


No original inscriptions or marks.

Condition of document

Damaged. Marks of exposure to water on the bottom half of all folios; ink corrosion on most folios (excepting fols 013-027)

Page layout

Choirbook format. 545 x 400-05 mm


ii + 92 + ii; modern pencil foliation 1-91; unnumbered folio between fols 069 and 070 now numbered 070A. Missing folios: at least 2 at the beginning of the manuscript; 3 between fols 055 and 056; and 1 more between fols 070 and 071


Unclear. Original order of pieces disrupted with modern re-binding; structure of book concealed with binding process


4 Paper types; 3 watermarks, 1 watermark on paper 3 similar to marks on MM 37 and MM 44 (paper 8) (cf Rees 1995, pp. 159, 369 & 386)


Covers of light-brown blind-tooled leather over boards. Manuscript rebound 1937-1941, obscuring its original structure. The manuscript had originally parchment covers


Six original scribes; additions, mostly chant, by a variety of different scribes. One of the original six scribes also copied the chant book P-Cug MM 37. The formal type of notation and copying habits connect MM 6 with P-Cug MM 9 and MM 12. Luis Moran’s Magnificat at fols. 040v-045r apparently served as direct exemplar for P-Cug MM 32, fols. 075v-081r.


RIBEIRO, Mário de Sampayo, Os manuscritos musicais nos 6 e 12 da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra. Achegas para a história da música em Portugal 5, Coimbra, 1941

REES, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, New York & London / Garland, 1995, pp. 155-60, 369 & 386

ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', 'A neglected anonymous Requiem mass of the early sixteenth century and its possible context', Musica Disciplina 57 (2012), pp. 154-89

C.M.M.E. Project (http://www.cmme.org/database/sources/90)

Description author/s

Musical Items

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