P-EVpc (Évora) Palácio Duques do Cadaval 000


P-EVpc 000

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
late 16th - early 17th cent.

lacunae: fols. 1, 14-21, 27, 28-29, 52-57, 67-68, 72, 92-97, 153-156, 186, 192-194, 213-215, 220-226 and 230. fols. Ar-Bv Te Deum (add.), fols 2-85r Temporale (Dom. Resurrectionis to De Machabaeis; fols. 84v-85r Doxology for the responsories), fols. 85r-85v Suffrages for the Virgin, St. John the Baptist, St. Bruno, fols. 85v Recitation formulas for the lessons (including the "lectiones agendae"), fols. 86r-145r Commune sanctorum, fols 145r-153r "In solemnitatibus beatae Mariae...", fol. 153r-153v "Ad dominicam 26 et aliquoties ad 27 dominicam post octavas Penthecostes" (add.), lacuna, fols. 156r-161v Commune sanctorum for the Paschal Time, 162r-209v Sanctorale (Marci to Hugonis [of Avalon/Lincoln], 17 nov.; fol. 202v "In solemnitate patris nostri sancti Brunonis Cartusiesis"), fols. 210r-219v office of the Trinity (add.), lacuna, fols. 227r-233r office of the Transfiguration (add.).

Type of script
Type of notation

Older parts: small plain intials in blue and red, small champ initials and black letters with cadels. Newer parts: plain initials, letters with cadels (black and black-yellow)

Condition of document

slightly damaged (missing folios)

Page layout

475-480 mm x 350 mm for the older gatherings, 10 lines per page. 475-480 mm x 350 mm for the newer gatherings, 8 lines per page.


The current foliation (from the 17th or 18th cent.) in Arabic numbers has replaced the original foliation in Roman numbers, in order to integrate new gatherings and arrive at a continuous foliation for the whole book.


This book has been strongly revised in the seventeenth or eighteenth century. Several gatherings were integrated in the book and other old gatherings were removed or modified (see, for example, the gathering XIII which corresponds to the change of a quaternion into a binion or the gathering VI that has lost a folio). The book also contains several lacunas easily identifiable thanks to the ancient numbering. Usually, the older gatherings were constituted by four bifolios (quaternion) and the recent ones by three bifolios (ternion). I binion (fols. 2-5), II quaternion (fols. 6-13), III quaternion missing (fols. 14-21), IV quaternion (fols. 22-29), V one bifolio written by a modern hand (fols. 30-31), VI quaternion whose first folio has been replaced by the gathering V (fols. 32-38), VII quaternion whose last folio is missing (fols. 39-45), VIII ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 46-51), IX ternion missing (fols. 52-57), X ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 58-63), XI quaternion whose internal bifolio is missing (fols. 64-71), XII quaternion whose first folio is missing (fols. 72-79), XIII binion (fols. 80-83), XIV quaternion written by a modern hand (fols. 84-91), XV ternion missing (fols. 92-97), XVI ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 98-103), XVII ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 104-109), XVIII ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 110-115), XIX ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 116-121), XX ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 122-127), XXI ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 128-133), XXII ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 134-139), XXIII ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 140-145), XXIV binion written by a modern hand (fols. 146-149), XXV ternion written by a modern hand whose two last folios have been cut (fols. 150-155), XXVI ternion written by a modern hand (fols. 156-161), XXVII binion written by a modern hand (fols. 162-165), XXVIII quaternion? whose four first folios have been cut (fols. 166-169), XXIX quaternion (fols. 170-177), XXX quaternion whose last folio has been cut (fols. 178-184), XXXI gathering written by a modern hand with several folios cut (fols 185-187), XXXII quaternion? whose first folio and three last folios have been cut (fols. 188-191), XXXIII quaternion (fols. 195-202), XXXIV quaternion whose last folio has been cut (fols. 203-209), XXXV quaternion (fols. 210-217), XXXVI quaternion whose six last folios have been cut (fols. 218-225), XXXVII quaternion whose first folio was cut (fols. 226-233)


leather over boards


This antiphonary is very close to other books from the charterhouse of Évora: Évora, Arquivo Distrital, ms 43, ms 50, ms 51 and ms 52.


BOUDEAU, Océane, “Les livres liturgiques de la Chartreuse d'Évora (Portugal) témoins de la constitution d'un fonds cartusien et des changements dans la liturgie cartusienne à la fin du XVIe siècle”, Acta Musicologica 92/2 (2020), pp. 120-134

Description author/s
Indexed by

Musical Items

Displaying 921 - 940 of 1737
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID
139r 001 Lauda filia Sion laetare et exsulta Comm. unius Virginis M R M R 3.3 601313
139r 002 Abstulit dominus judicium tuum avertit inimicos Comm. unius Virginis M V M V 3.3 601313za
139r-139v 003 Simile est regnum caelorum decem virginibus Comm. unius Virginis M R M R 3.4 007667
139v 001 Prudentes autem virgines acceperunt oleum in Comm. unius Virginis M V M V 3.4 007667a
139v 002 Unguentum effusum nomen* Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 1 005273
140r 001 Unguentum effusum nomen tuum ideo adolescentulae Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 1 005273
140r 002 Favus distillans labia tua sponsa et Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 2 002855
140r-140v 003 Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui in Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 3 a01426
140v 001 Media nocte clamor factus est ecce Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 4 003730
140v 002 Tunc surrexerunt omnes virgines illae et Comm. unius Virginis L A L A 5 005251
140v 003 Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo Comm. unius Virginis L R L r 006042
140v-141r 004 Deus in medio ejus non commovebitur Comm. unius Virginis L V L v 006042a
141r 001 Audi filia et vide et inclina Comm. unius Virginis L W L W 007955.1
141r-141v 002 Simile est regnum caelorum sagenae missae Comm. unius Virginis L A L A B 004956
141v 001 Haec est* Comm. unius Virginis V2 A V2 A 1 003001
141v 002 O quam* Comm. unius Virginis V2 A V2 A 2 004069
141v 003 Dum esset* Comm. unius Virginis V2 A V2 A 3 002450
141v 004 Sicut lilium* Comm. unius Virginis V2 A V2 A 4 004937
141v 005 Veni in hortum meum soror mea Comm. unius Virginis V2 A V2 A M 005325
141v 006 Dum esset* V A V A 1 002450