P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 016

Res. Ms. 016

P-AR Res. Ms. 016

Source type
Document type
Proprium tempore (fols.1r-123r); In dedicatione ecclesiae (fols.123r-124v); Proprium sanctorum (fols.124v-180v); Requiem (fols. 180x1r-183r); Kyriale (fols. 183r-191v); Credo [addition] (fol. 192rv).
Type of script
Type of notation

Red, blue and black capitals with blue, red and black filigree designs. Black capitals with yellow filling.The insertion (fols. 180x1-181x3) have plain red or black capitals. Fol. 1r displays a big golden capital decorated with flowers.

Condition of document

Very good despite some damange on the initial guard leaf and some tears on the margins of other folios.


Roman numerals in black ink placed in the top-middle of the recto of each folio. Three folios without pagination/foliation were inserted between folios 180v-181r.


Leather over boards


On folio 191r there is one note in Spanish which  says that the manuscript was written and illuminated in Lamego and finished on November 20, 1485. The note provides additional information on the abbess of the time 'D. Leonor Coutinho' and presbyter Afonso Martins, who corrected the contents of the book with the assistance of some religious singer ladies 'D. Isabel de Almeida, D. Branca de Almeida, D. Maria de Almeida, and D. Leonor Pinto'. 
On folio 191v  there is a later hand note added on request of abbess D. Melícia de Melo in 1528 and signed by Idelfonso Martinez which informs us about a donation made by Pedro Figueira to the Monastery of Arouca. 
On the second initial guard leaf there is a note which informs us that on 6 April 1486 the abbess D. Leonor Coutinho ordered to send out this manuscript, along with others, for binding. 
The Credo on folio 192 rv is in semi-mensural notation. 
A cantus index is provided for folios 1r-3v, and for the Kyries (fols. 183v-184v and 189v), see the box on the right.


FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro, & Mara FORTU, «A música antiga nos manuscritos de Arouca: contribuição para um catálogo» in O órgão do Mosteiro de Arouca: conservação e restauro do património musical, coord. by Ângela Melo (Vila Real - Arouca: Direcção Geral de Cultura do Norte, 2009), pp. 40-5.

RÊPAS, Luís Miguel, Quando a nobreza traja de branco: a Comunidade Cisterciense de Arouca durante o abadessado de D. Luca Rodrigues (1286-1299) (Leiria: Magno Edições, 2003).

RÊPAS, Luís Miguel, «As abadessas cistercienses na Idade Média: identificação, caracterização e estudo de trajectórias individuais ou familiares» Lusitânia Sacra: Revista do Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 2.ª série, 17 (2005), pp. 63-91.

RÊPAS, Luís Miguel, «O Mosteiro de Arouca: os documentos escritos como fonte de conhecimento (1286-1299)», HVMANITAS Vol. L (1998), pp. 539-586.

Description author/s
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 121 - 140 of 1588
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
021r 001 Diligam te Domine virtus mea Dominus Septuagesimae, dom. MI InV g00631b.2 5
021r 002 Adjutor in opportunitatibus in tribulatione sperent Septuagesimae, dom. MI Gr g00632 3
021r-021v 003 Quoniam non in finem oblivio erit Septuagesimae, dom. MI GrV g00632a 3
021v 001 De profundis clamavi ad te domine Septuagesimae, dom. MI Tc g00634 8
021v 002 Fiant aures tuae intendentes in orationem Septuagesimae, dom. MI TcV g00634a 8
021v-022r 003 Si iniquitates observaveris domine domine quis Septuagesimae, dom. MI TcV g00634b 8
022r 001 Quia apud te propitiatio est et Septuagesimae, dom. MI TcV g00634c 8
022r 002 Bonum est confiteri domino et psallere Septuagesimae, dom. MI Of g00638 8
022r 003 Illumina faciem tuam super servum tuum Septuagesimae, dom. MI Cm g00639 1
022v 001 Exsurge quare obdormis domine exsurge et Sexagesimae, dom. MI In g00640 1
022v 002 Deus auribus nostris audivimus patres nostri Sexagesimae, dom. MI InV g00640a.1 1
022v 003 Sciant gentes quoniam nomen tibi deus Sexagesimae, dom. MI Gr g00641 1
023r 001 Deus meus pone illos ut rotam Sexagesimae, dom. MI GrV g00641a 1
023r 002 Comovisti domine terram et conturbasti eam. Sexagesimae, dom. MI Tc g00643 8?
023r 003 Sana contritiones eius quia mota est. Sexagesimae, dom. MI TcV g00643a 8
023r 004 Ut fugiant a facie arcus ut Sexagesimae, dom. MI TcV g00643b 8
023v 001 Perfice gressus meos in semitis tuis Sexagesimae, dom. MI Of g00646 4
023v 002 Introibo ad altare dei ad deum Sexagesimae, dom. MI Cm g00647 8?
023v 003 Esto mihi in deum protectorem et Quinquagesimae, dom. MI In g00648 6
024r 001 In te domine speravi non confundar Quinquagesimae, dom. MI InV g00648a.1 6